
Form Center

Below you will find frequently requested and used forms pertaining to the Undergraduate Program.  If you have any questions regarding a form or do not see a form you believe you need, contact 814-863-5487.

Research Opportunities

Section 001 - Antibiotic Development & Resistance

Applications for Spring will begin in September

Submit an Application

Section 002 - Model System Cell Biology

Applications for a research position in the field of study Model System Cellular Biology.

Applications will be reviewed starting immediately. If you have been selected for an interview, you will be contacted. Applications received after the deadline will be considered if spaces are still available.

Submit your Application

Section 003 - Genomics

Not accepting applications at this time.

Submit an Application

Section 004 - Gene Regulation

Applications for a research position in the field of Gene Regulation (BMB 488, section 004).

This section is restricted to those students receiving permission from a CEGR faculty member. If interested in this section of BMB 488, you must apply for Independent Research in one of the following Labs: Lu Bai, David Gilmour, Shaun Mahony, Joseph Reese, Song Tan.

Applications will be reviewed starting immediately. If you have been selected for an interview, you will be contacted. Priority will be given to applications submitted by November 1.

This section is not accepting applications at this time.

Submit an Application

Section 006 - Host – Microbe Interactions

Applications for a research position in the field of Host-Microbe Interactions

Applications will be reviewed starting immediately. If you have been selected for and interview, you will be contacted. Applications received after the deadline will be considered if spaces are still available.

Submit an Application

Course Approval Form

Upon acceptance into designated section, authorization to be enrolled

Download the Approval Form

Independent Research Application

Required application for consideration to conduct independent research

Please review the Policy for Arranging Independent Research (496) in the Department of Biochemistry & Molecular Biology prior to submitting an application.

Application Process:
  1. Review the listing of Faculty research interests and student selection criteria for a) research interests and b) qualifications the individual required to participate in 496 works in his or/her lab (i.e., minimum GPA or semester standing). 
  2. Select four faculty laboratories with whom you would be most interested to work with and indicate them on the application information sheet.
  3. APPLICANT INFORMATION SHEETS MUST BE SUBMITTED BY THE END OF THE 8TH WEEK OF CLASSES FOR 496 POSITIONS TO BE FILLED THE FOLLOWING SEMESTER. The deadline for admission to summer session and fall semester positions will be the eighth week of the preceding spring semester.


Course Approval Form

Upon acceptance into designated lab, authorization to conduct independent research as part of BMB 496 is required.

Download the Approval form

Honors Program

Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Microbiology, and Biotechnology Honors students should complete this form at the beginning of the junior year. Students admitted through the Gateway admissions process should complete the form by the end of the first semester of the junior year.

Complete Form

Additional Forms