Dr. Armache's Research Interest: Mechanisms and functions of
ATP-dependent chromatin remodeling complexes and their place
in genome regulation.
Dr. Anand's Research Interest: Uncovering dynamics of cellular
macromolecular assemblies.
Dr. Bai's Research Interest: Chromatin structure and its role in
gene regulation.
Dr. Booker's Research Interest: Elucidating the chemical
mechanisms by which enzymes containing iron-sulfur
clusters catalyze chemical reactions.
Dr. Cremer's Research Interest: The exploitation of linear
and non-linear vibrational spectroscopies to follow the
interactions of ions with peptides, proteins, and
Dr. Golbeck's Research Interest: Biophysical studies of electron
transfer mechanisms in photosynthetic prokaryotes.
Dr. Wen Jiang's Research Interests: Structural studies of amyloids, viruses,
and protein complexes using single particle cryo-EM; In situ structural
biology with correlative light/electron microscopy (CLEM), volume EM,
and electron tomography; Development of new methods to improve cryo-EM
sample grid preparations, data collections, image analyses and 3D reconstructions.
Dr. Kreb's Research Interest: The elucidation of the reaction
mechanisms by which mono- and dinuclear non-heme-iron
enzymes activate dioxygen (O2) for a wide variety of oxidative
Dr. Llinás' Research Interest: The combination of tools from
functional genomics, molecular biology, computational biology,
biochemistry, and metabolomics to understand the fundamental
molecular mechanisms underlying the development of this
Dr. Melanie McReynolds' Research Interest: The understanding
of the biochemistry behind aging,and its intersection with stress, with
the long-term goal of identifying strategies that promote healthier aging.
Dr. Murakami's Research Interest: We apply cryo-EM and X-ray
crystallography techniques to reveal three-dimensional structures
of DNA and RNA polymerases for elucidating the mechanisms of
DNA replication and RNA transcription.
Dr. Okafor's Research Interest: The structural mechanisms of
signaling and regulation in protein complexes.
Dr. Showalter's Research Interest: The use of solution
nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy, in combination
with thermodynamic analysis, chemical biology, and cellular
assays to advance understanding of protein function.
Dr. Tan's Research Interest: The understanding of how genes
are regulated by combining genetic, biochemical and structural
Dr. Weinert's Research Interest: The understanding of how
the globin coupled sensor protein family senses oxygen and
transmits the binding signal into downstream events.
Dr. Yennewar's Research Interest: Elucidating molecular
structures relevant to chemists, biochemists, material scientists
etc. and educating graduate students embarking in these fields,
the technique of X-ray diffraction (crystal growth, data collection
and structure solution and refinement, and interpretation).