
Bioinformatics and Genomics

Assistant Professor of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology

Dr. Armache's Research Interest: Mechanisms and functions of

ATP-dependent chromatin remodeling complexes and their place

in genome regulation. 

Verne M. Willaman Professor of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Professor of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology and of Physics

Dr. Bai's Research Interest: Chromatin structure and its role in

gene regulation. 

Dr. Bisanz's Research Interest: The structure and function

of the microbiome and its impacts on health and disease.  

Academy Professor, Ernest C. Pollard Professor Emeritus of Biotechnology, and Professor Emeritus of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology

Dr. Bryant's Research Interest: Genomics, structural and

functional relationships, metabolism, physiology and ecology

of chlorophototrophic bacteria. 

Professor Emeritus of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology

Dr. Ferry's Research Interest: The study the enzymology and

molecular biology of anaerobic microbes from the Archaea


Dr. Girirajan's Research Interest: Genetics of

neurodevelopmental disorders. 

Dr. Hardison's Research Interest: Epigenetic and genomic

approaches for the systematic study of eukaryotic gene


Distinguished Professor of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology

Dr. Kao's Research Interest: We use Petunia inflata as a

model to study biochemical, molecular, and structural bases

of a self/non-self recognition mechanism between pollen and

pistil adopted by flowering plants to prevent in breeding and

promote outcrossing.   

Dr. Lesk's Research Interest: Computational analysis of protein

structure, function, genomics and evolution. 

Ernest C. Pollard Professor in Biotechnology, Professor of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology and of Chemistry

Dr. Llinás' Research Interest: The combination of tools from

functional genomics, molecular biology, computational biology,

biochemistry, and metabolomics to understand the fundamental

molecular mechanisms underlying the development of this


Dr. Mahony's Research Interest: We build machine learning

applications to understand how transcription factors control

cellular identity.

Dr. Medvedev's Research Interest: Developing computer science

techniques for analysis of biological data and on answering

fundamental biological questions using such methods. 

Associate Professor of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology

Dr. Miyashiro's Research Interest: We use microbial genetics,

biochemistry, and cell biology approaches to determine the

molecular mechanisms that enable bacteria to establish

symbiosis with a eukaryotic host.  The model system is the

symbiosis formed between the bioluminescent bacterium Vibrio

and the Hawaiian bobtail squid Euprymna scolopes

Our primary interests in this system include quorum sensing,

contact-dependent killing mechanisms, and sulfur metabolism. 

Dr. Nekrutenko's Research Interest:  Our lab is the birthplace of

Galaxy. It is developed and maintained together with our

collaborators and worldwide community. We also work on a variety

of topics related to mutational dynamics and experimental

evolution.  We are also an integral part of the AnVIL project. 

Dr. Patterson's Research Interest: Understanding the host-

metabolite-microbiota communication network‚ specifically

how the manipulation of gut microbiota by diet and/or

xenobiotics impacts host metabolites (e.g., bile acids, short

chain fatty acids), their metabolism, and how these co-

metabolites interact with host ligand-activated transcription


Dr. Roy's Research Interest: Forensic DNA analysis using

massively parallel sequencing and short tandem repeat

technology, trace evidence, fingerprints. 

Professor of Biology and Biochemistry and Molecular Biology

Dr. Szpara's Research Interest: Understanding the consequences

of HSV latency for the neurons that harbor the HSV pathogen

and the search for improved therapeutics using a combination

of virology, neurobiology, next generation sequencing

technologies, and bioinformatics. 

Assistant Professor of Chemistry and of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology