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Tuition Bills and Registration Holds

Tuition Bills

If you are on a Penn State administered assistantship, fellowship or training grant, your tuition will automatically be paid by the appropriate fund. Students do not need to do anything in LionPATH.

If you are on an external fellowship or scholarship, you will need to verify whether the agency will be paying Penn State directly, or if they will be sending you a check. If they are paying you, then you will need to pay your bill directly to the bursar's.

If you have any questions regarding your funding status, please contact the Graduate Program Coordinator.

If it is getting close to the due date for your funding has not come through, you will need to contact the bursar's office directly.

Penn State University Bursars Office


Registration Holds

Holds on your account will prevent you from registering for classes. Holds typically occur when a student generates miscellaneous fees and has not paid: fitness center membership, parking tickets, registration late fees, etc. There are more severe holds that are due to student conduct infractions. Any holds can be seen on LionPATH in the "Holds" box on the right hand side of the screen. The student will need to take care of the hold. BMMB cannot assist in removing holds.

LionPATH Student Center

LionPath Student Center Screen Shot. Holds and To Do List items are highlighted with red circles.