The Eberly College of Science

Science Achievement Graduate Fellowship


The Penn State Eberly College of Science has selected seven graduate students as Science Achievement Graduate Fellows for 2021–2022. These scholarships are awarded each year to outstanding graduate students seeking a doctoral degree in each of the college’s seven departments who are interested in the advancement of women in the sciences and related fields. The scholarships were established in 2018 to recognize students who have a record of significant professional achievements in their field and who are role models for other students in the college. Each scholarship is named in honor of an outstanding woman scientist or mathematician who not only made groundbreaking discoveries but also blazed the trial for others who have followed in their footsteps. Fellows in the program will host two distinguished lectures each year in the college, in honor of the women for whom the scholarships are named.

Recipients of the 2021-2022 scholarships are:

Cecilia Payne-Gaposchkin Science Achievement Graduate Scholarship in Astronomy

Mary Ogborn 2021-2022 Science Achievement Graduate Fellows.

Mary Ogborn, a graduate student in the Department of Astronomy and Astrophysics, is interested in supermassive black holes and galaxy evolution. More about Mary.

Barbara McClintock Science Achievement Graduate Scholarship in Biology

Anna Maria Calderon 2021-2022 Science Achievement Graduate Fellows.

Anna María Calderón, graduate student in biology, is interested in population genetics, evolutionary genomics, and computational biology. More about Anna.

Rosalind E. Franklin Science Achievement Graduate Scholarship in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology

Rachel Kirzek 2021-2022 Science Achievement Graduate Fellows.

Rachel Krizek, a graduate student in the Biochemistry, Microbiology, and Molecular Biology program, is interested in transmission of arthropod borne diseases, especially the malaria parasite. More about Rachel.

Marie Sklodowska Curie Science Achievement Graduate Scholarship in Chemistry

Morgan Vincent 2021-2022 Science Achievement Graduate Fellows.

Morgan Vincent, a graduate student in chemistry, is interested in organic and food chemistry. She started her research career with a research experience for undergraduates program at West Virginia University in 2018. More about Morgan.

Maryam Mirzakhani Science Achievement Graduate Scholarship in Mathematics

Emily Hammett 2021-2022 Science Achievement Graduate Fellows.

Emily Hammett, graduate student in mathematics, is interested in studying number theory. More about Emily.

Mildred Dresselhaus Science Achievement Graduate Scholarship in Physics

Kara Whitaker 2021-2022 Science Achievement Graduate Fellows.

Kara Whitaker, a graduate student and NSF GRFP scholar in Physics, is interested in studying high energy astro-particle physics. More about Kara.

Janet L. Norwood Science Achievement Graduate Scholarship in Statistics

Aratrika Mustafi 2021-2022 Science Achievement Graduate Fellows.

Aratrika Mustafi is a 1st year PhD. student in Statistics at the department of Statistics at Pennsylvania State University. More about Aratrika.