The Eberly College of Science
Research Centers
Research Centers

Materials Research Institute
- Materials Research Institute
- Center for Computational Materials Design (CCMD)
- Center for Dielectric Studies
- The Electrochemical Engine Center
- H2E (Hydrogen Energy) Center
- Keck Smart Materials Integration Lab
- Materials Simulation Center
- Microwave Processing and Engineering Center
- Center for Nanoscale Science
- Particulate Materials Center
- Center for Single Crystal Piezoelectric Materials
The Huck Institutes of the Life Sciences
- The Huck Institutes of the Life Sciences
- Bioinformatics Consulting Center
- Center for Chemical Ecology
- Center for Comparative Genomics and Bioinformatics
- Center for Eukaryotic Gene Regulation
- Center for Computational Proteomics
- Center for Infectious Disease Dynamics (CIDD)
- Center for Molecular Immunology and Infectious Disease
- Neuroscience Institute
- Center of Excellence in Nutrigenomics

Penn State Institutes of Energy and the Environment
Social Science Research Institute
- Social Science Research Institute
- The Penn State Federal Statistical Research Data Center
- Center for Educational Disparities Research
- Clearinghouse for Military Family Readiness
- Computational and Spatial Analysis Core
- Consortium to Combat Substance Abuse
- Child Maltreatment Solutions Network
- Population Research Institute
- Quantitative Developmental Systems Methodology
- Social, Life and Engineering Sciences Imaging Center
- Survey Research Center

Multidisciplinary research collaborations have resulted in several cross-college research centers, many of which are listed below:
- Astrobiology Research Center
- Electro-Optics Center
- Center for Environmental Chemistry and Geochemistry
- Center for Excellence in Chemical Ecology
- Center for Infectious Disease Dynamics
- Methodology Center
- Center for Nanoscalse Science (a MRSEC center)
- The Pennsylvania Space Grant Consortium (PSGC)
- Center for Space Research Programs
- Pennsylvania Water Resources Research Center
- Center for Exoplanets and Habitable Worlds
Cross-College Research Centers

Centers and Institutes within the Eberly College of Science
The Eberly College of Science has a number of research centers and institutes, including the following:
- Center for Astrostatistics
- Center for Bioinorganic Chemistry
- Center for Computational Mathematics and Applications
- Center for Dynamics and Geometry
- Institute for Gravitation and the Cosmos
- Institute of Molecular Evolutionary Genetics
- Statistical Consulting Center
- Statistical Consulting Center for Astronomy
- Center for Statistical Ecology and Environmental Statistics
Laboratories and Facilities of Interest to Eberly Faculty
- Agricultural Analytical Services Laboratory
- Applied Research Laboratory
- Cell Science/Flow Cytometry Core Facility
- Center for Sustainability
- Electron Microscopy Facility
- High Energy Laser Facility
- Hybridoma and Cell Culture Laboratory
- International Materials Institute (IMI) - New Functionality in Glasses
- Macromolecular Core Laboratory
- Macromolecular X-ray Crystallography Facility
- Molecular Genetics Core Facility
- Nanofabrication Facility
- Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Facility
- Nucleic Acid Facility
- Precision Model and Instrumentation Shop
- Protein X-ray Crystallography Core Facility
- Proteomics and Mass Spectrometry Core Facility
- Research Instrumentation Facility
- Scanning Laser Vibrometry Facility
- Spray Metal Forming Facility
- Synthetic Environment Application Laboratory
- Transgenic Mouse Facility