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Student Life

We take our passion for science
far beyond the classroom.

Whether you’re in a lecture, a lab, or in your dorm room, you’re a scientist--and that means your love of discovery never stops. At Eberly, science isn’t just a subject. It’s a way of life. And when you’re here, you’ll find lots of different ways to live it.

Education Abroad

Science knows no borders. Here, you can take your learning across countries--and even continents.

Students in Italy

Career Development

Wondering what you’ll do after graduation? Our Career Development resources can help you plan your path.

A cohort of students celebrating commencement.

Undergraduate Research

Engage with world class research opportunities.

undergraduate researcher
Students listening to a professor in a classroom
Transfer or Change of Campus Students

If you’re driven to discover, Eberly College of Science is the place to continue your education. We’ll work with you to transfer your academic credits and get you settled into your new learning community.

New Student Orientation

From professional outcomes to program rankings, we’re here to answer any questions you may have about your student’s experience at Penn State.

Information for Parents
Photo of the general meeting space of the Science Collaborative Learning Center.

Collaborative Learning Center

Available for students, faculty, and staff of Eberly College of Science to utilize for individual studying or collaborating in group efforts.