Graduation and Commencement

Turn your degree
into a better world.

The fall 2024 commencement ceremony will be held on Sunday, December 22, 2024, at 4:30 p.m., in Bryce Jordan Center. We welcome all graduating students and their family, friends, and support system to attend in celebration and recognition of the hard work of our students.


REGALIA: Order your cap and gown! Students may order and purchase their caps and gowns from the Penn State Bookstore or Jostens directly. If you need assistance, please contact the Penn State Bookstore at 814-863-0205. Graduates must wear regalia, which consists of a gown, mortarboard (cap), and tassel (tassel on the cap will be on the right front edge). 

NAME CARD: Your name (nomenclator) card created by MarchingOrder will be distributed to you at the registration tables at the BJC when you arrive for your ceremony. 

ARRIVAL: Graduates should arrive at least one hour prior to the ceremony and enter through Gates A, B, or C of the BJC. Inside the building, enter the arena floor via Portal 15 (Gate B is closest to portal 15), and sit in your college’s section; alphabetical arrangement is not necessary. Be in your seat at least 20 minutes prior to the start of the ceremony. At the appropriate time during the ceremony, you will be directed to the stage. 

GUESTS/TICKETS: There are no ticket requirements or guest limitations for the fall 2024 Commencement ceremony. 

ACADEMIC DISTINCTION CORDS: Students earning distinction will be notified by the Office of Undergraduate Students by December 1, 2024 about how to obtain their academic distinction cords. 

VENUE BAG POLICY: Bryce Jordan Center 

LIVESTREAM: The Commencement ceremony is live streamed and available after the event. 

PARKING: Bryce Jordan Center Commencement Parking Interactive Map 

ADA PARKING: For an Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) access map of campus, visit the ADA Access Interactive Map. Parking in these lots is available on a first-come, first-served basis. Please allow extra time for traffic and parking when planning your visit to the Bryce Jordan Center. A valid, state-issued ADA placard or license plate is required for ADA parking. 

ADA SEATING: ADA seating will be available. Please visit Guest Relations when you arrive for access. No advanced reservations are taken. 

ACCESSIBILITY: Graduates, if you anticipate needing any type of accommodation or have questions about the physical access provided for Commencement, please contact the Office of Campus and Community Events at Accommodation arrangements should be made at least two weeks prior to Commencement to allow sufficient time to effectively meet your access needs.

If you are a graduating student, it’s your responsibility to notify the University of your intent to graduate. This should be done at the beginning of the semester you plan to graduate, by using the “Graduating This Semester” LionPATH application.

If you have missed the deadline to apply for graduation during the activation period in LionPATH, please contact your adviser or Marlene Karaky - - to be added to the list.

  • Review your Academic Requirements report (Degree Audit) in the My Academics page in LionPATH to verify that your degree requirements are met or in progress.
  • Consult your academic adviser with concerns or degree audit questions.
  • Work with your instructors to clear up any deferred grades. Deferred grades will not count toward your degree.
  • Be sure to address any registration holds. You can find holds in the communication center in LionPATH.
  • Pay your Bursar bill. You must have all your charges paid to the University prior to graduation.
  • If you are transferring credits to Penn State from another institution, please consult with your adviser in advance to make sure that the courses are approved for transfer and will meet your remaining PSU degree requirements. Please remember that, for the course to be added to your transcript, you must earn at least a C grade and provide an official transcript to PSU. This must occur before the graduation approval deadline.

The commencement ceremony is an event that marks a major milestone for graduates and their families. To preserve this tradition and the meaning of commencement as a celebration of the completion of the degree, Penn State Science has established this policy:

Only Penn State Science seniors who have completed all degree requirements for graduation and have filed their intent to graduate are permitted to walk across the stage and have their names read at the commencement ceremony.

Additional information and instructions about the commencement ceremony can be found at