Graduate Students

Diversity Resources

Meet your Director of Graduate Equity Programs

Aaron Mattingly.

Dr. Aaron Mattingly-Daniels is the Director of Graduate Equity Programs in the Eberly College of Science. In this role, he recruits and supports both prospective and current graduate students across the college in alignment with diversity and inclusion initiatives. This includes support for conferences, the Graduate School Open House, Summer Research Opportunities Program, as well as developing inclusive academic and professional programming for graduate students throughout the year. 

Dr. Mattingly-Daniels is here to be a general advisor for you! If you have questions about where to go for resources, want to discuss an issue with a neutral party, would like to see programming to support you or your unique identities, need to talk about your academic/career trajectory or goals, or want to discuss anything else related to student support/equity and inclusion, please reach out using the contact information below.


Contact Info

117 Ritenour Building
University Park, PA 16802
Telephone: 1-814-863-8900

Schedule a meeting via Starfish here.

Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Belonging Resources

Explore resources that support our diverse graduate student body at Penn State.

Resources provided by the Eberly College of Science and Penn State

Diversity in STEM Corporate Partners Program
Attend a variety of programming throughout the academic year, designed with students’ academic and professional success in mind—including learning about opportunities in industry.

Center for Sexual and Gender Diversity

Penn State’s Center for Sexual and Gender Diversity provides a comprehensive range of education, information, and advocacy services and works to create and maintain an open, safer, and inclusive environment honoring gender and sexual diversity.

Rainbow Science Network

The RSN is a list of research groups committed to maintaining an inclusive environment, where faculty members have received training in LGBTQ+ issues.

Safer People Safer Places Network

Workshops that seek to create a safer and more inclusive environment for sexual and gender diversity.

Center for Spiritual and Ethical Development

The largest multifaith center of its kind in the country, The Pasquerilla Spiritual Center is home to the Center for Spiritual and Ethical Development at Penn State. The center offers a welcoming, safe, inclusive environment, and aims to promote an environment of appreciation and respect for religious and spiritual diversity.

Holy Day Observance Calendar

Recognizing and promoting appreciation and respect for the different backgrounds and faith traditions that many faculty, staff, and students practice.

Office of Student Disability Resources

Penn State’s Office of Student Disability Resources assists students in exploring individualized reasonable accommodations for equal access and full participation in their academic pursuits, seeking peer interactions or study space, and connecting with on- and off-campus resources.

Gender Equity Center

Penn State’s Gender Equity Center supports students who have been impacted by sexual violence, relationship violence, stalking, harassment, and other campus climate issues. Staff provide education, advocacy, referrals, and crisis intervention/support counseling.

Office of Veterans Programs

Penn State’s Office of Veterans Programs is a comprehensive, direct service unit for military-affiliated students and Department of Veterans Affairs benefits recipients, providing services in outreach, certification, mentorship, and general counseling.

Eberly College of Science Climate and Diversity Committee

We work to provide a supportive and welcoming environment throughout the college by hosting events to celebrate diversity, identifying opportunities to improve our climate, making policy recommendations to the dean, and communicating with University leadership to promote a positive climate and increase diversity.

Office of Graduate Educational Equity Programs

The Office of Graduate Educational Equity Programs leads the Graduate School’s efforts to foster diversity and to provide a welcoming climate for both prospective and current graduate students of underrepresented groups.

Paul Robeson Cultural Center

The Paul Robeson Cultural Center provides programs and support services to encourage and cultivate the appreciation and celebration of the diverse perspectives, experiences, and cultures of many underrepresented communities at Penn State.

Penn State Educational Equity

The Office of the Vice Provost for Educational Equity serves as a catalyst and advocate for Penn State's culture of equity, respect, and belonging initiatives. Educational Equity's vision is a Penn State community that is an inclusive and welcoming environment for all.

Eberly College of Science Guide Program

We provide safe and informal opportunities for members of our college to discuss any issues that arise, work to facilitate communication, and help connect people to resources for further assistance.

Graduate Student Ombudsperson Program

A safe environment provided by the Graduate School for graduate students to discuss issues and concerns. 

Gender Equity Center

Penn State’s Gender Equity Center supports students who have been impacted by sexual violence, relationship violence, stalking, harassment, and other campus climate issues. Staff provide education, advocacy, referrals, and crisis intervention/support counseling.

Reporting a Concern

Penn State encourages reporting misconduct. If you see something, say something. Penn State has different resources to report different types of misconduct.  Most reporting options offer the ability to report anonymously.

In an emergency situation, Penn State Police can be reached at 814-863-1111 (non-emergency) and 911 for emergencies at University Park.

For a nonemergency concern, Penn State’s Behavioral Threat Management Team is also a resource. The team is committed to the safety and well-being of the University community.

All faculty and staff should sign up for PSUAlert text messages to stay well informed of the latest emergency information from the University.

The Penn State Crisis Line (877-229-6400) and the Crisis Text Line (text “LIONS” to 741741) are open 24/7 to Penn State faculty and staff dealing with both crisis and noncrisis situations—including those who have a concern about someone else. 

Penn State Hotline (anonymous reporting): 800-560-1637.

The above resources are just a fraction of resources available for graduate students at Penn State. Please visit for the full list of resources, including wellness resources, financial resources, academic resources, resources for living in State College, and more!

At the Eberly College of Science, we are committed to the success of our diverse graduate student population. Explore the variety of resources we offer from fellowships and scholarships to student organizations.


Fellowships and Scholarships

We offer a number of fellowship and scholarship opportunities to help recruit and support a graduate student population made up of diverse backgrounds and identities. Learn more about funding available to help support your Eberly experience.

Explore available opportunities

The GlaxoSmithKline (GSK) Graduate Fellowship Program promotes quantitative expertise and statistical analysis in disciplines relevant to biostatistics that will strengthen relationships between faculty and GSK and raise the visibility of GSK among graduate students at Penn State. In addition, these Fellowships will allow the students and faculty advisers to seed new research projects which may lead to additional funding with GSK business units and/or federal agency programs in the future.

Applications from students enrolled in graduate programs in the Eberly College of Science, the College of Medicine, and the interdisciplinary Huck Institutes of the Life Sciences will be accepted, creating one fellowship position per year. The Eberly College of Science Graduate Student Office will administer the program, with input and solicitation of eligible applicants from the College of Medicine (COM) and the Huck Institutes of the Life Sciences as equal contributors in the selection of viable candidates.

Learn More About GSK Graduate Fellowship Program


The Science Achievement Graduate Fellows (SAGF) Program in the Eberly College of Science is designed to recruit, recognize, and promote outstanding graduate students seeking a doctoral degree in the sciences and mathematics. The Eberly College of Science is determined and committed to advancing women, who are underrepresented in the sciences and mathematics, to enable the full potential of humankind essential to solving the great global challenges. The science achievement graduate scholarships are named in honor of an outstanding woman scientist or mathematician who not only made groundbreaking discoveries, but also blazed the trail for others who have followed in their footsteps. These prestigious scholarships provide a high level of recognition to the awardees, which will continue throughout their careers.

SAGF is awarded each year to outstanding college graduates who have an interest in pursuing doctoral studies in one of the seven departments of the Eberly College of Science, with strong communication and leadership qualities, and who have a demonstrated interest in the advancement of women in the sciences and related fields. Holistic selection criteria are used to select a candidate with an emphasis on letters of recommendation, research experience, leadership potential, communication skills, an outstanding record of high achievement, initiative, and motivation. For eligibility, an additional interview is required.

The total SAGF support package includes five years guaranteed support of tuition, stipend, subsidized health insurance, and $3,000 per year for professional travel, purchase of computers, or other professional development needs and activities. At least one of five years will be offered as a true fellowship, while the remaining years will be funded through a variety of support mechanisms.

Learn More About SAGF


The Alfred P. Sloan Foundation provides funding for matriculated doctoral students in mathematics, science, and engineering in order to assist efforts to diversify the Ph.D. degree-holding workforce.

Sloan Foundation grants may be used to pay for professional travel, research, equipment, books, and to cover many other needs during their doctoral studies, and are in addition to any assistantships and fellowships awarded to a student.

Sloan Scholars must have passed their qualifying exams to enter the program, and each Sloan Scholar must have an approved mentor in his/her academic field. Faculty members who have proven track records in graduating a diverse population of students from their doctoral programs are selected each year to mentor incoming fellows.

Learn More About Sloan Scholars


Graduate Student Organizations

At the Eberly College of Science, our focus is to support your journey toward academic success while strengthening the connection between your research and your community. We encourage graduate students to explore our diversity-focused organizations, find friends with similar experiences, advocate for issues you care about, or discover an exciting extracurricular.

Get involved on campus

GWIS is an interdisciplinary national society of women and men who support equal opportunities for all in science. Their mission as an organization is to build a global community to inspire, support, recognize, and empower women in science.

Learn More About GWIS 

NOBCChE strives to build a framework for successful diverse global leaders in STEM that will help advance their professional endeavors by adding value to their academic, development, leadership, and philanthropic ventures throughout the life-cycle of their careers.

Learn More About NOBCChE

oSTEM is a non-profit student organization geared toward influencing the academic and professional progress and development growth of LGBTQ+ students and youth in the field of science, technology, engineering and mathematics. oSTEM focuses its efforts on educating, increasing and retaining acceptance, tolerance and enrollment in such professions.

Learn More About oSTEM 

Physics and Astronomy for Women+ is a club of undergraduates, grad students, and post-docs dedicated to advancing the status of women, gender minorities, and underrepresented groups in Physics and Astronomy by providing a network of support and a forum to discuss systemic bias in these fields.

Learn More About PAW+

SACNAS is an inclusive organization dedicated to fostering the success of Chicanos/Hispanics and Native Americans, from college students to professionals, in attaining advanced degrees, careers, and positions of leadership in STEM.

Learn More About SACNAS

The Multicultural Engineering Graduate Association (MEGA) is a student organization that fosters equity, inclusion, and belonging for graduate students in engineering and science disciplines across the Penn State University Park campus. Through social events, workshops, and its alumni network, MEGA serves graduate students’ needs for a collegial community of their peers and professional development. As an organization, we strive to create a welcoming community and support for our members that will bolster their overall Penn State experience.

Learn more about MEGA

SASE's mission as an organization chapter is to represent the Asian community of Engineers and Scientists, support both domestic and international Asian students academically and professionally, and create a positive, inclusive, and engaging community.

Learn more about SASE

We organize monthly meetings to discuss topics involving justice, diversity, equity, and inclusion in the sciences and work as a community to catalyze changes in teaching, mentoring, and research practices to make a more inclusive Penn State.

Whether you want to share your experiences, learn from the experiences of others, or advocate for inclusivity, TaMIS is a space where your voice matters. Join us as we work together to build a more inclusive and equitable science community at PSU.

Learn more about TaMIS

Graduate Equity Programs Events

Find events from our Director of Graduate Equity Programs and Eberly's Office of Diversity and Inclusion here.

Student in the lab conducting research.

We offer one-on-one meetings to help you learn about all the ways our office can offer you guidance and support during your time at Eberly. Appointments can be scheduled using Starfish.

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