Promoting expectations
Ensuring fairness and consistency
Academic Integrity Committee
The Eberly College of Science Academic Integrity Committee is made up of faculty and students from the Eberly College of Science. The Committee's purpose is to: promote expectations for academic integrity consistent with University policy; ensure fairness and consistency in processes and outcomes; review and settle all contested cases in which academic sanctions are applied; and record all cases of academic dishonesty within the College.
Penn State students and faculty may contact the Eberly College of Science Academic Integrity Committee for information about academic integrity and the College and University policies and procedures.
To contact the committee send an email to:
Submit a claim for an academic integrity violation
Eberly College of Science Statements for Syllabi
Penn State Policy and Procedures on Academic Integrity
Review of Contested Academic Integrity Claims
Resources related to artificial intelligence
Videos describing Penn State's academic integrity policies and claims processing
"Preventing Academic Dishonesty" (Chapter from Tools for Teaching by Barbara Gross Davis; Jossey-Bass Publishers: San Francisco, 1993) Excellent resource on general strategies for encouraging honesty on exams, papers, and avoiding plagiarism.
"Anti-Plagiarism Strategies for Research Papers" By Robert Harris. Focuses on encouraging students "to value the assignment and to do their own work".