
Meet the researchers, mentors, and student advocates who lead the educational experience and drive progress in the Eberly College of Science.

Academic Program Coordinator
219 Whitmore Lab
Graduate Assistant
13 McAllister Building
Plant Biology, Ph.D. Program: Mackenzie Lab
361 Frear North Building, 152 Old Coaly Way, University Park, PA 16802
Graduate Student
301 Thomas Bldg
Graduate Student; M.A.S. Student
Graduate Student
Associate Head for Undergraduate Education and Teaching Professor
104E McAllister Building
Graduate Student
Graduate Student; SGSA Treasurer
Graduate Student
Associate Teaching Professor (Online Programs)
Professor Emeritus of Biochemistry
Graduate Assistant, Thesis Advisors: Ludmil Zikatanov, Kenneth Czuprynski
418 McAllister Building
Eberly Research Scholar
307 Whitmore Lab
Assistant Research Professor
Plant Biology, MS Program; Monshausen/Rosa Lab
253 Frear North Building, 152 Old Coaly Way, University Park, PA 16802
Professor of Biomedical Engineering and of Chemistry
430 Chemical and Biomedical Engineering Building
Teaching Professor
117 McAllister Building
Associate Professor; Chair of Graduate Admissions
W-250 Millennium Science Complex
Professor of Physics & Astronomy and Astrophysics
303 Whitmore Lab