Office for Innovation

Featured Innovations
Dr. Paul Cremer and Dr. Bradley Rogers

Paul Cremer, left, with Brady Rogers.
Paul Cremer, left, and Bradley Rogers.

Project: Developed a method utilizing temperature gradients to assess protein phase behavior, which enables high-throughput testing and accurate predictions of colloidal stability for therapeutic protein formulations.

Funding/awards: Lab Bench to Commercialization, NSF I-COPRS, IP Conference 2nd place winners.

Relevant publications: Rogers et al., 2019. A stepwise mechanism for aqueous two-phase system formation in concentrated antibody solutions. PNAS

IP navigator: System to measure stability of concentrated therapeutic proteins.

Current status: Fundraising, market research, prototype development. 


Resources for Industry/Corporate Collaboration

Bradley Rogers.

PSU News Story

New screening technology works to better predict drug's shelf life and stability.