Office for Innovation

Corporate collaboration

Advance your research, train your students, and make a bigger impact.

We help you

Match your research to corporate interests.

Plug-in to corporate funding opportunities.

Get personal introductions to corporate partners.

Coordinate corporate visits.

Steward corporate contracts & agreements.

A blogs featured image of the Lion Shrine at the University Park campus.

Contact Us

Reach out to the Office for Innovation for questions about engaging companies.

A business woman handing a pen to a business man to sign a contract.

Contact us when

You have been approached by a company.

You are ready to commercialize a discovery.

You have research/cohort that needs support.

You need company participation at an event.

Joyce Jose in the laboratory.

Getting started -- Build your funding strategy

Companies are increasingly looking to academia to help them reach their business objectives. Successful partnerships are those in which the company’s R&D, workforce development, talent recruitment, brand recognition, and social responsibility needs are enhanced. Identify which need your research or program will benefit. 
•    Enhance R&D Objectives/Product Development 
•    Fulfill Corporate Responsibilities 
•    Increase Brand Recognition or Product Promotion 
•    Training a Future Workforce 
•    Talent Recruitment 

Corporate partners provide financial support in various ways.
•    Sponsored Research Funding 
•    Commercialization Program 
•    Event Sponsorship 
•    Philanthropic Support 
•    In-Kind Donation of Products or Services 

Having a personal connection or building a relationship with a company representative increases your chances for long-term partnership.

Penn State has a number of approved corporate contracts that make negotiations faster.