
2019 Graduate Teaching Awards in Statistics

11 December 2019

Congratulations to Christian Schmid, Nicholas Sterge, and Kyongwon Kim for receiving 2019's Graduate Teaching Awards!

Christian Schmid, Nicholas Sterge, Kyongwon Kim, and Murali Haran

Christian Schmid

Has received this award for his support of pedagogical innovation through his stellar work in STAT 470W (Problem Solving and Communication in Applied Statistics) in Fall 2018 and for his great work as a TA in STAT 200.

Nicholas Sterge

Is being recognized for his outstanding work in STAT 440 (Computational Statistics) where he held additional office hours and also held tutorial sessions open to all students and gave stellar support to the faculty member (Ethan Fang) in areas like exam preparation. Nick has also served as a STAT 100 lecturer for the department on several occasions.

Kyongwon Kim

Won the 2019 Harkness Award for Teaching for being an outstanding lecturer for the department in STAT 200, STAT 418, and STAT 319.