Science Achievement Graduate Fellowship
The Penn State Eberly College of Science has selected seven graduate students as Science Achievement Graduate Fellows for 2024–2025. These scholarships are awarded each year to outstanding graduate students seeking a doctoral degree in each of the college’s seven departments who are interested in the advancement of women in the sciences and related fields. The scholarships were established in 2018 to recognize students who have a record of significant professional achievements in their field and who are role models for other students in the college. Each scholarship is named in honor of an outstanding woman scientist or mathematician who not only made groundbreaking discoveries but also blazed the trial for others who have followed in their footsteps. Fellows in the program will host two distinguished lectures each year in the college, in honor of the women for whom the scholarships are named.
Recipients of the 2024–2025 scholarships:

Antara Kulkarni is a first-year doctoral student who is interested in global change and its impact on birds. She hopes to understand these interactions better under the guidance of David Toews, assistant professor of biology, using a system of new-world warblers. Antara is passionate about species conservation and understanding its threats in a changing world. Diversity is just as important in a workplace as it is in natural systems, and she hopes to contribute to and facilitate increased inclusivity in the department. In her free time, you're likely to find Antara sketching or exploring the outdoors around her!

Abigail Stocker is a first-year graduate student in the Biochemistry, Microbiology and Molecular Biology (BMMB) program and a Distinguished Graduate Fellow. Abigail earned her bachelor of science degree with honors from DeSales University in biochemistry and chemistry. She was involved in various leadership activities including the Ryan Leadership Institute, chemistry demonstrations, and the women’s lacrosse team. She also participated in an NSF Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU) in 2023 at Penn State validating poliovirus 2C as an antiviral drug target through NMR studies in the Boehr lab. She hopes to take these experiences and her love of science to build up the science community to create a more inclusive environment. In her free time, Abigail enjoys reading, trying new foods, and hanging out with her friends.

Dana Kullgren, a graduate student in physics, is interested in astrophysical particles produced by some of the most energetic objects in the universe. As an undergraduate researcher at the University of Delaware, where she graduated with honors with a bachelor’s degree in physics and a concentration in astronomy and astrophysics, Dana applied machine learning to improve the analysis of cosmic-ray radio signals. Dana’s undergraduate adviser, Frank G. Schroeder, associate professor in the Department of Physics and Astronomy at the University of Delaware, said, “With her extremely high capability, effort, and motivation, Dana brings the ideal skill set for a future research career.” As a graduate student, Dana plans to be a part of Physics and Astronomy for Women+ and engage in science outreach in addition to continuing to research astrophysical particles.