The Eberly College Of Science

Science Achievement Graduate Fellowship

Mildred Dresselhaus Science Achievement Graduate Scholarship in Physics

Rebecca Ewing.

Rebecca Ewing, graduate student in physics, is interested in gravitational astrophysics and hopes to localize the origins of gravitational waves using electromagnetic techniques. She previously researched the optical scattering of light from real surfaces with the Air Force Institute of Technology. A reference described her as “a bright, curious, hard-working and resourceful young researcher, eager to learn new techniques on her own.” Ewing completed her bachelor’s degrees in physics and math at Wright State University in Ohio.

The scholarship in physics is named for Mildred Dresselhaus, who mapped the electronic structure of carbon and is noted for her work on graphite and nanomaterials. She won several prestigious awards including the Presidential Medal of Freedom in 2014 and the National Medal of Science in 1990 and was the first woman to secure a full professorship at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in 1968.