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Undergraduate Chemistry

Program Contacts

For general questions about the Undergraduate Chemistry Program:

Contact the Undergraduate Chemistry Office

Department of Chemistry
The Pennsylvania State University
219 Whitmore Laboratory
University Park, PA 16802-6300
(814) 865-9391


Hours: Monday – Friday from 8:00 am – 4:00 pm


Professor of Chemistry and Associate Head for Undergraduate Education


Undergraduate Program Office Staff

Our mission is to provide excellence in service and support for the students and faculty in the Chemistry Undergraduate Program.


Please contact Rachel if you have questions about:

Building Courses  |  Degree Audits for Chemistry Majors or Minors  |  Hiring  |  Graduation   Lab Fees and Course Controls  |  Lionpath  |  SRTEs  |  TA Assignments  |  Undergrad Courses



Please contact Christina if you have questions about:


Evening Exams  |  Conflict Exams  |  Make Up Exams   Credit by Examination  |  Proctoring Exams  |  Room Reservations  |  SDR Accommodations


Please contact Candace if you have questions about:

Dean’s List Letters  |  Hiring  |  Pcard Purchases   Research Courses   SRTEs


Please contact if you have questions about:

Advisor Assignments  |  CSRS  |  Priestley Prize   General Student Questions    Room Reservations  |  Syllabi

Stockroom and Lecture Demonstration Staff

Our mission is to provide support service to the teaching laboratories and chemistry lectures by preparing hands-on learning opportunities and visual aids. Our goal is to assist our faculty to meet their teaching objectives and to provide a positive learning environment for our students.