Resources for Support

College and Department:

The Chemistry Climate and Diversity Committee's goal is to create a climate where everyone can be their authentic self because we believe every member of our community is important. The department seeks to create a community that encompasses all forms of diversity of dimensions and intersections, including race, ethnicity and nationality, age, gender and gender identity, sexuality, class and religion. We believe that every student, faculty, and staff in our community is important and we aim to increase access and broaden opportunities for diverse and underrepresented groups within our department.

The Chemistry Department Guides (formerly known as ombuds) are selected faculty and staff who work with individuals and groups to (1) provide a safe space to talk about an issue or concern, (2) explore options to help resolve conflicts, and (3) bring systemic concerns to the attention of the department for resolution.

The Chemistry Wellness Space (004 Benkovic Building) is a multipurpose room that can be used by members of the department (students, postdocs, faculty and staff) to support broad definitions of needs with health (tele-health appointments, nursing), wellbeing (meditation), spirituality, and overall flourishing. The space can be reserved for one hour increments. 

Reserve Space

The Eberly College of Science Guide program (formerly known as Eberly Ombuds) was created to provide a safe and informal opportunity for members of our college to discuss problems and issues outside of formal channels. The College guides work to facilitate communication among individuals and help connect people to resources for further assistance. Please note that you can reach out to any College guide, no matter what department or unit they represent. They are here to assist individuals across the college.

The ECoS Office of Diversity and Inclusion provides a nurturing environment to support students academically, professionally, and personally in the Eberly College of Science (ECoS). The office connects students with the resources they need to leverage and engage with programs and organizations, fueling student success and advancing scientific knowledge by building a strong, diverse community.

The Graduate Student Advocates help individual graduate students work through any issues that arise, help graduate students approach the Graduate Program Coordinator as needed, and serve as a liaison between graduate students, the Graduate Student Association, the Graduate Program Chair, and the Associate Head for Climate and Diversity.

University Offices and Centers:

The Affirmative Action Office (AAO) supports Penn State’s strategic goals of advancing a diverse and inclusive community by providing expert advice and leadership to colleges and campuses, and all non-academic units, ensuring an environment free from discrimination and harassment. The office’s primary role is to ensure the University’s compliance with federal Equal Employment Opportunity and Affirmative Action regulations, as well as to develop and deliver continuing education and training for University employees to foster an environment of respect, responsibility, inclusion, and belonging in the workplace and the classroom.

The Center for Sexual and Gender Diversity (CSGD) provides a comprehensive range of education, information, and advocacy services to students, faculty, staff, and alumni. They work to create and maintain an open, safer, and inclusive environment honoring gender and sexual diversity. Through educational, social, and supportive programming, along with workshops and individual consultation, the Center for Sexual and Gender Diversity strives to serve the entire Penn State community.

The largest multi-faith center of its kind in the country, The Pasquerilla Spiritual Center is home to the Center for Spiritual & Ethical Development at Penn State. The center offers a welcoming, safe, inclusive environment, and aims to promote an environment of appreciation and respect for religious and spiritual diversity.

Penn State’s Gender Equity Center supports students who have been impacted by sexual violence, relationship violence, stalking, harassment, and other campus climate issues. In addition, the office works to educate the campus community about Gender Equity issues and to provide workshops and resources for the prevention of sexual violence.

Health Promotion and Wellness has many components and finding balance may involve exploring different areas, including your physical, mental, emotional, spiritual, social, cultural, and environmental wellness.

Student Affairs offers resources to support your wellness journey and take your wellness to the next level.

The Multicultural Resource Center (MRC) provides individual college counseling and educational services for undergraduate students from diverse backgrounds at University Park and assists students in meeting the challenges associated with education and attaining a degree at a major research institution. MRC counselors work with students on a variety of issues, and the staff is dedicated to helping students succeed and graduate from Penn State.

Office of Ethics & Compliance (Reporting)

As a member of the Penn State community, you are encouraged to report potential issues and concerns and/or raise questions if you learn about something that might not be consistent with the Penn State Values. Issues to report include: Crime or Emergency, Harassment, Behavioral Threat, Bias or Discrimination, Health/Safety Hazards, etc...

The Office of Global Programs provides resources for education abroad, international students and scholars, travel support, and global engagement.

The Office of Graduate Educational Equity Programs leads the Graduate School’s efforts to foster diversity and to provide a welcoming climate for both prospective and current graduate students of underrepresented groups. The office designs and implements mentoring programs; recruitment programs; professional development and retention programs; and conferences, seminars, workshops, and lectures. The office also leads the Summer Research Opportunities Program at Penn State and the Ronald E. McNair Post-Baccalaureate Achievement Program. Both programs provide connections with highly talented undergraduate students who are interested in attending graduate school.

The Office of Veterans Programs (OVP) at the University Park campus is organized as a comprehensive, direct service unit for military-affiliated students and Department of Veterans Affairs (DVA) benefits recipients. The office is staffed by six full-time professionals and approximately twenty student veterans who work part-time under the provisions of DVA work-study. The staff and students provide services in the following areas: Outreach, Certification, Mentorship, and General Counseling.

Located in the HUB, the Paul Robeson Cultural Center (PRCC) is a space open to all Penn Staters to find community, support, develop leadership skills, and learn about diversity and social justice. The center provides programs and support services to encourage and cultivate the appreciation and celebration of the diverse perspectives, experiences, and cultures of many under-represented communities at Penn State. It's open Monday through Friday. Students are encouraged to stop in anytime the center is open to interact with peers and staff.

Penn State Learning is a multi-disciplinary academic assistance program that is staffed by peer tutors who are themselves undergraduates, by scholars in residence who are content experts in their respective fields, and by professional and administrative staff members. Penn State Learning supports individual and group tutoring, learning community development, and collaborative projects with academic departments to assess learning and improve academic assistance resources for undergraduates.

The President's Commissions for Equity: The Commission on Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, and Queer Equity (CLGBTQE); the Commission on Racial/Ethnic Diversity (CORED); and the Commission for Women (CFW) are advisory groups to the President of Penn State.

Student Care and Advocacy is committed to helping students facing unforeseen challenges navigate Penn State’s structure in close and careful collaboration with campus and community partners. Our case managers welcome any opportunity to provide consultation and direct you to the resource best equipped to meet your needs.

Student Disability Resources (SDR) is the designated office that provides reasonable accommodations and services to students with disabilities enrolled at the University Park campus. 

This office:

  • requests and maintains disability-related documents
  • certifies eligibility for services
  • determines and develops plans for reasonable accommodations such as academic adjustments, auxiliary aids, and/or services

Student Legal Services provides advice, referrals, document drafting, and other legal services to University Park and Commonwealth Campus students facing personal legal issues. They also provide free notary services for Penn State students.

University Health Services (UHS) is your comprehensive on-campus health care resource. They specialize in outpatient student health including the treatment of medically urgent problems and ongoing health concerns. They provide preventative care, education, and resources to help students live a healthy lifestyle.

University Police & Public Safety (UPPS) provides multiple resources and services, including police services, behavioral threat managementClery compliance and police records, emergency management, and physical security.

UPPS serves the University by providing essential public safety services at Penn State campuses across Pennsylvania with a department headquarters at University Park. Some major responsibilities include: 

  • Training and planning for comprehensive responses to manmade and natural disasters, 
  • Responding to campus emergencies (health and crime), 
  • Directing the University’s compliance with the federal Clery Act (PSU Alerts, Timely Warnings, Annual Security Reports), 
  • Managing campus security cameras and electronic access to facilities, 
  • Investigating and monitoring behavioral threats, and
  • Managing and storing criminal and traffic records.


The Eberly College of Science (ECoS) Human Resources team strives to provide exceptional employment related support to the faculty and staff across the college.

Penn State’s Employee Assistance Program (EAP), provided by Health Advocate, is a free, voluntary, and confidential resource for benefit-eligible employees and their families to be used as a first line of defense for personal or work-related concerns. There are no fees for calling the EAP and there is no limit to the number of times this resource can be used. This program is available 24/7 to all benefits-eligible employees, their spouse, dependent children, parents, and parents-in-law. This benefit is available for 120 days after employment termination for the employee and eligible family members. It is also available for family members of recently deceased employees up to 120 days after the end of employment.

Students may experience different levels of distress across various areas of their lives. The type and amount of distress they are experiencing will require different actions and resources.

The Red Folder initiative is a guide to help faculty, staff, student leaders, and others who interact with students to recognize, respond effectively to, and refer Penn State students in distress.

Mental Health Crisis / Need for Immediate Support:

Call 911 or (814) 863-1111

24/7 confidential service with licensed mental health counselors 

Call (877) 229-6400 or text ‘LIONS’ to 741741 

Off-campus services for victims of sexual and relationship violence and stalking 

24/7 Helpline: (814) 234-5050 
Address: 140 W. Nittany Ave; State College, PA 16801 

Call 1-800-643-5432