Student Organizations

Chemistry GSA (Graduate Student Association)
Science Policy Society
Mission: To educate students about the connection between their science and public policy, and to teach them how to be advocates for their science.
If you are interested in learning how events on Capitol Hill and in Harrisburg impact your research and vice versa, or if you want experience and training in science communication to non-technical audiences, please visit:
Graduate Women in Science
Mission: To build a global community to inspire, support, recognize, and empower women in science. As a chapter of this organization, GWIS State College organizes outreach events, professional development programs, social events, a yearly networking conference, and monthly meetings for graduate students in STEM fields at Penn State. Explore our website to connect with our officers and learn about our upcoming event.
Black Graduate Student Association
Mission: The Black Graduate Student Association was established in February of 1986 to provide “a cross-academic line-and-support network” for African American graduate students. On December 4, 1986, BGSA was granted a charter by the Graduate Student Association.
National Organization for the Professional Advancement of Black Chemists and Chemical Engineers (NOBCChE)
Mission: The mission of NOBCChE is to create an eminent cadre of people of color in science and technology. To this end, NOBCChE has established educational partnerships with school districts, municipalities, businesses, universities, and other organizations in the public and private sectors.
Society for Advancement of Chicanos/Hispanics and Native Americans in Science
Mission: The SACNAS Chapter at Penn State was founded in January 2018 as a way to engage diverse groups of student in the sciences. Our mission is to provide underrepresented/minority groups with opportunities for professional development, conducting and presenting research, networking with other diverse faculty and students, and general engagement in the sciences. To find out more about SACNAS at PSU or if you have ideas for workshops and events, please contact us at
Students for STEM
Mission: Dedicated to encouraging students to pursue STEM careers and engaging STEM students through mentorship!
Graduate and Professional Student Association
Mission: Penn State’s Graduate Student Association formally passed its constitution on October 1, 1951. Over the years, the GSA took the lead on numerous issues affecting graduate students, has aided in shaping the way Penn State is today, and continues to play a vital role in University life. On July 1st, 2014, the GSA officially became the Graduate and Professional Student Association to reflect its representation of all non-undergraduate students at Penn State. Today, the GPSA stands as the oldest continuously existing student governing organization at Penn State.
Minority Graduate Students in STEM
Mission: Minority Graduate Students (MGS) in STEM serves as a community for underrepresented graduate students (African American, Native American, and Hispanic/Latinx) and allies. We value self-confidence, holistic (mental, spiritual, and physical) health, and inclusivity. Our mission is to provide a professional community for underrepresented students to develop skills to succeed as graduate students and professionals. We aim to build confidence and foster relationships through faculty mentorship. This group should also serve to develop a network among faculty, post-docs, and administrators who share similar interests.