Department of Chemistry


Why Support Chemistry?

Supporting the Department of Chemistry at Penn State is a great way to connect with the next generation of scientists. In the past, gifts to the department have supported vital efforts and initiatives, such as:

  • Scholarships for undergraduate students
  • Stipends for undergraduate summer research
  • Resources for undergraduate instructional labs
  • Departmental outreach and recruitment initiatives


How to Donate

If you would like to make a gift to the Department of Chemistry online, please visit our giving site. Or, you can download and complete a printable version of the form and mail it to:

The Office of Annual Giving

2583 Gateway Drive

Suite 200

State College, PA 16801

For more information, contact the Eberly College of Science Development and Alumni Relations Office at 814-863-8454 or Chemistry Department Head Ken Knappenberger.

Consider a gift to the John Badding Fund.

Giving in Memory of John V. Badding

Opportunities for Major Gifts

Endowed faculty professorships and chairs are crucial for recruiting and retaining talented and innovative faculty members. When you endow a faculty position, you ensure that Penn State Chemistry’s legacy of excellence will continue, while supporting groundbreaking research. For more information about endowing a position, please contact the Eberly College of Science Development and Alumni Relations Office at 814-863-8454 or contact our Department Head Ken Knappenberger:

For undergraduate students, conducting summer research is a great way to explore chemistry and develop as scientists. These experiences help students prepare for graduate school and industry careers and give them an opportunity to contribute to cutting-edge chemistry research. When you create a summer research stipend, you provide a young scientist a lasting advantage that will propel them to success in their future careers. For more information about create a summer research stipend, please contact the Eberly College of Science Development and Alumni Relations Office at 814-863-8454 or contact our Department Head Ken Knappenberger:


The Science Achievement Graduate Fellows (SAGF) Program in the Eberly College of Science is designed to recruit, recognize and promote outstanding graduate students seeking a doctoral degree in the sciences and mathematics. The Eberly College of Science is determined and committed to advancing women, who are underrepresented in the sciences and mathematics, to enable the full potential of humankind essential to solving the great global challenges. These prestigious scholarships provide a high level of recognition to the awardees, which will continue throughout their careers.

If you're interested in endowing the Department of Chemistry SAGF Program, please contact the Eberly College of Science Development and Alumni Relations Office at 814-863-8454 or Chemistry Department Head Ken Knappenberger at

Past Recipients in the Department of Chemistry:

2018: Katherine Kidder

2019: Nushrat Hoque