As he approaches the end of his two-year term as student trustee on the Penn State Board of Trustees, Kevin Schuyler is leading the charge to identify his successor. The student trustee serves on the 38-member Board of Trustees, which is responsible for the governance and welfare of Penn State at the highest level.

Schuyler, who earned a bachelor’s degree in science from Eberly College of Science in May 2024 and will complete his master’s program in business analytics from Smeal College of Business in August, will work full-time as a supply chain consultant with Deloitte after graduation. He sat down with Penn State News to reflect on his term as student trustee and talk about the responsibilities and benefits of the position for students interested in succeeding him.
Q: Why did you want to serve as student trustee on the Penn State Board of Trustees?
Schuyler: I initially pursued the role of student trustee as a byproduct of some previous leadership roles that I had in other organizations, such as my business fraternity Phi Chi Theta, the Blue & White Society and Lion Ambassadors. I was fortunate to have those leadership opportunities in my first three years at Penn State and I wanted to scale that up somehow. I learned about the student trustee role through email and word of mouth and felt as though it would be a great opportunity to maximize my impact as a student leader. The student trustee has an impact on students across the commonwealth — actually, across the globe with World Campus — and carries the voices of 88,000 of their peers.
Q: What was your knowledge and perception of the Board of Trustees before you joined?
Schuyler: Honestly, and I think most students would agree with me here, I thought of the Board of Trustees as the folks who approved tuition rates and who were driving COVID-19 decisions on campus. That’s pretty much the extent of what I knew about the board. I’ve learned that the board is responsible for those critical decisions — and many, many others that impact Penn State and the people affiliated with the institution. But I’ve also found that the trustees — most of them Penn State alumni themselves — are some of the most dedicated individuals who care so much about this place and devote hours upon hours to better our University.
Q: So having prior in-depth knowledge of the board and its operations is not a requirement for the student trustee?
Schuyler: Absolutely not. Honestly, I think not knowing too much is a valued perspective. I came into the role as a STEM major involved in a business fraternity and a few other organizations on campus, but I’ve never been in student government. I found that I could bring a unique perspective to the board, which I think has been incredibly valuable. So prior knowledge is definitely not a prerequisite for the student trustee role by any means.
Q: How have fellow trustees and other Penn Staters supported you and helped you learn and grow in your role over the past two years?
Schuyler: I was really impressed with the onboarding experience. All new trustees go through an orientation to meet with the senior administration and go through their portfolios one by one. When I joined the board in July 2023, I wasn’t the only new trustee; five others joined with me at the same time. We all went through orientation together. We would often sit together at lunch to further discuss what we’ve learned and what we each bring to the table. Even though I’m the only student trustee and the others were professionals with established careers, we were all going through the experience together.
All new trustees are also paired with a mentor on the board. My mentor is Trustee Rob Fenza. When I started my term, Rob was incredibly helpful in getting me up to speed on some of the more financial aspects of the role. As a STEM student, I didn’t have as much knowledge of or experience with those topics. Rob has worked in finance and real estate for more than 30 years. He’s been able to share his perspective with me one-on-one, which has been extremely helpful.
Now that I am nearing the end of my term, I can say that I’ve formed strong connections with all of my fellow trustees. It’s been such an incredible experience. Each trustee is so accomplished in their own field, and they’ve been so willing to impart their wisdom on me — not only from a board perspective, but personal, career and everything in between. They’ve been mentors, friends and thought sharers. It’s been wonderful. I also have to credit my predecessors, former student trustees Janiyah Davis and Bryan Culler. They have both been incredible mentors and friends, and they really helped me get up to speed. I hope to do the same for the next student trustee.
Q: Tell us a bit about what the student trustee role entails.
Schuyler: I think the student trustee role is one of the most unique positions at Penn State, in that it really feels like — and is — a DIY [do it yourself] role. Of course, there are recurring meetings and routine processes related to business at hand. But for me, the self-education piece has been the most rewarding. Being a trustee gives you the chance to meet with so many administrators, faculty members and student leaders. Those relationships that I’ve formed, as well as everything I’ve learned about this great University, have been amazing.
We have five big board meetings per year, with others that pop up in between. But a lot of that in-between time is spent going out on campus and learning about Penn State and the student body. That’s what I love so much about the role — you can really chart your own path.
I have met with a diverse representation of students to bring their perspectives to the table, both on day-to-day life at Penn State and on specific topics and issues being deliberated by the board. The trustees have been very receptive to this input. The feedback I’ve been able to provide is considered invaluable and makes a difference. I have also tried to facilitate face-to-face interactions between trustees and students as much as possible, and I strive to always invite a different student to join me as a guest at each board function. Trustees have been very engaged with every student that has accompanied me and they are always interested to hear each and every student story. I think that is so meaningful.
Q: How has serving as student trustee enriched your Penn State experience?
Schuyler: The number one thing I love about being the student trustee is that the role fully allows you to be a student — it’s in the name. I take classes and participate in social life and extracurricular activities just like any other student would. It’s nice because I can be a typical student and still plug into these important University discussions and serve as boots on the ground for the board. My time as student trustee has ultimately deepened my love for Penn State.
Q: What is your advice to students who are interested in applying to be the next student trustee?
Schulyer: You have to be passionate about Penn State. I won’t lie, the position requires a lot of time and work toward making the University a better place. And the outcomes of a lot of the time and work might not be seen for years to come. But learning so much about this University has been such an incredible journey for me. When I look back and see how much I have grown as a person, I get so inspired. This role has been such a great way to learn about Penn State, build valuable skills and connections, and deepen my love for the University.
I was hesitant to apply for the position myself. The thoughts of “I’m just another Penn State student,” and “what do I have to offer?” kept running through my head. But every student at this University has a unique perspective. If you have expertise in anything from your studies at Penn State or through internships or co-ops, that is a valuable contribution. So are the experiences you’ve had here and how you’ve made Penn State your home. That is your story and is what makes you unique, so sell yourself on that. We are not looking for someone who is exactly the same as all the other trustees or exactly the same as the student government presidents who serve in representative roles on the board. We want a unique perspective and viewpoint of the student body. A key part of the student trustee role is being able to connect with the average Penn State student.
Q: In what other ways can students get involved with the board?
Schuyler: If you don't have interest in becoming the next student trustee or won't be able to fulfill a two-year term, you can still leave a lasting impact on a place you hopefully love: apply for an at-large position on the student trustee selection committee. That committee plays a role in selecting the next student trustee — their peer who will represent 88,000 of our fellow students. It would be an incredible opportunity for someone who wants to leave a lasting impact on the University and learn about shared governance at Penn State. I serve as the committee’s chair as one of my responsibilities as student trustee. We’re looking for passionate students who can help us sink our teeth into the student trustee applications. The at-large committee members will join me and four student government leaders to review applications, interview candidates and recommend a finalist to present to the board’s nominating subcommittee for election.
Students can also get involved by becoming more familiar with the board and its actions and activities. As I mentioned before, I had little knowledge of what the board did before I became student trustee. But I’ve learned that so many of the board’s deliberations and decisions directly affect students and their interests. So watch meetings. Share feedback. Read news of board activity. Connect with your student trustee. And, when you are an alum, participate in the alumni election to nominate yourself or others to represent you on the board after you graduate.
Interested in becoming the next student trustee or serving on the selection committee?
- Student Trustee: Applicants must be full-time undergraduate, graduate or professional students at any Penn State campus (including World Campus), in good standing, and able to serve a two-year term. Application materials are due by Feb. 21.
- Student Trustee Selection Committee: Members of the committee will help choose which of their peers will represent them on the Board of Trustees. Applicants must be full-time undergraduate, graduate or professional students at any Penn State campus (including World Campus), in good standing. Application materials for one of six at-large seats on the committee are due by Feb. 7.
- Info Session: Current Student Trustee Kevin Schuyler will host an information session at 6 p.m. on Monday, Feb. 3, in 134 HUB-Robeson Center at University Park campus and via Zoom. Kevin will provide an overview of the Board of Trustees, the roles and responsibilities of the student trustee, the duties of the selection committee’s at-large members, and the process of applying to the board or the selection committee.
- Questions? Email Kevin Schuyler at or visit