From fall 2021 through spring 2022, the Penn State Eberly College of Science will pilot a new program that aims to provide underrepresented students with opportunities to make the most of their degree experience and pursue STEM careers through meaningful interactions with corporate partners.
Corporate partners — including GlaxoSmithKline and Corning — will gain exposure to the college’s more than 500 undergraduate and graduate students, be able to form strategic relationships in environments conducive to networking and recruitment, and have the chance to showcase themselves as industry leaders.
The program will connect corporate partners with students from a wide range of research fields — spanning the life, physical and mathematical sciences — through diversity-focused student organizations including Penn State’s chapters of the National Organization for the Professional Advancement of Black Chemists and Chemical Engineers (NOBCChE), Society for the Advancement of Chicanos/Hispanics and Native Americans in Science (SACNAS), and Graduate Women in Science (GWIS).
“We are excited to have GSK and Corning as our corporate partners for the Diversity in STEM initiative,” said Kristin Finch, associate dean for diversity and inclusion. “This partnership allows Eberly students to develop meaningful relationships in industry and learn about unique employment opportunities at their respective companies.”
The following events are planned for fall 2021:
Reverse Career Fair — Sept. 21
At the reverse career fair, students will put their own talents and skills on display for different employers to witness. This networking event will allow corporate partners to interact with the various student organizations within Eberly.
Undergraduate Research Poster Exhibition — Oct. 7
During the undergraduate research poster exhibition, corporate partners will have a VIP session prior to the opening of the event to the public. This small group interaction will allow the corporate partners to engage with the student presenters on a more intimate level.
Corporate Diversity Conversation — Nov. 10
The corporate diversity conversation is a dialogue between corporate partners and student organizations, focused on diversity and creating meaningful interactions and cultures in the workplace. This will include discussions led by Employee Resource Group (ERG) representatives, providing students with information about their companies, their companies’ ERG focus, and the importance of these groups within corporations.
More information
Updates about the program, including upcoming events, will be posted on the website of the Office of Diversity and Inclusion.