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Chemistry Wins Departmental Safety Competition at 2016 Safety Olympics

14 September 2016

Congratulations to the Chemistry Safety Olympics teams from the Badding, Cremer, Keating, and Sen groups who together led Chemistry to win the Departmental Safety Award at the 2nd annual Safety Olympics held at the Millennium Science Complex on September 8th, 2016.  Our teams out-competed other groups of three teams from Materials Science and Engineering, Physics, and Electrical Engineering at the Olympics, winning the overall competition by excelling in five events:

Scavenger Hunt - finding safety errors in a laboratory during a lab inspection
Speed sorting - sorting chemicals into their hazard classifications for safe storage (acids, bases, flammables, oxidizers)
Safety Taboo - like the game Taboo but about safety topics
Safety Trivia - answering serious questions about safety that are contained in EH&S training videos
Speed Gowning - putting on the suits used in the cleanroom as fast a possible

In recognition of the safety expertise of our four teams, the Department received a handsome trophy that was made possible with funds from PPG.  This trophy is on display in 101 Chemistry so we can fully exercise our bragging rights.  We can keep it only for one year unless of course we win again next year!