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2018-2019 Continuing Graduate Awards

25 October 2018

The Graduate Student Awards Committee is pleased to announce the outcome of this year’s competition for the Continuing Graduate Student Awards.  
This year the following students will receive awards from the Eberly College of Science:

Lucas Alameda (Schaak Lab)

Matthew Fares (Zhang Lab)

Yue Gao (Mallouk Lab)

Suprita Jharimune (Rioux Lab)

Eric Kennehan (Asbury Lab)

Kathryn Lebold (Noid Lab)

Kyle Messina (Bevilacqua Lab)

Laura Ritchey (Bevilacqua Lab)

Benjamin Steimle (Schaak Lab)

Simou Sun (Cremer Lab)

Please join us in congratulating these students on their outstanding performances.