Graduate Students

Graduate programs by the numbers

We are a vibrant scientfic community and a premier center for education and research with over 700 graduate students enrolled across our seven doctoral programs, eight research-based master's and three professional master’s programs. Our programs are highly ranked and world class.

Since the college’s beginning in 1859 we have been attracting outstanding students from all over the world and demographic backgrounds, and supporting them through rewarding studies leading to their degrees, successful careers and deep engagment with society. We hope these few basic statistics give you a snapshot of our graduate community. We encourage you to visit specfic graduate programs for more details.

Note: Data last updated September 2020. Each year refers to the academic year that an applicant would normally matriculate--e.g., an applicant in Dec 2019 would expect to begin in the 2020 academic year.
Note: Data last updated Sept 2020. These only include the Applied Statistics (MAS), Biotechnology (MBIOT), and Forensic Science (MPS) programs that are in-residence at Univeristy Park. The MAS program has additional students at World Campus.
Data are from the official fall 2020 enrollment figures. International and women percentages are of total enrollment, while underrepresented minority percentages are of domestic enrollment.
Data are from the official fall 2020 enrollment figures. International and women percentages are of total enrollment, while underrepresented minority percentages are of domestic enrollment. These only include the Applied Statistics (MAS), Biotechnology (MBIOT), and Forensic Science (MPS) programs that are in-residence at Univeristy Park. The MAS program has additional students at World Campus.


Each year refers to the median time in years to the relevant milestone among all enrolled students at the time who have completed the indicated milestone. For candidacy and comprehensive exams, the median is among enrolled students during the fall term of the indicated year who have completed the milestone, while for degree completion, the median is among all completed doctoral degrees for that prior academic year. "2020" refers to degrees earned in 2019-2020.
Note: Data last updated in November 2020. Each academic year begins in the summer and goes through the spring--e.g., "2017-18" includes Ph.D. graduates from Summer 2017, Fall 2017, and Spring 2018.