Frontiers Of Science 2023

Exploring Open Science
and Big Data

"Big Data Analytics in Tourism and National Park Research"

Presented by Bing Pan
Professor of Commercial Recreation and Tourism, Penn State

February 11, 2023
100 Thomas Building, Penn State University Park
11:00 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.

Bing Pan photo for the 2023 Frontiers of Science.

Visitors to a destination or a national park interact with information technologies throughout their journeys and leave various online digital traces. Researchers can tap into these traces for forecasting and monitoring visitors in tourism and national park settings. Search engine queries, website logs, mobile phone data, reservation data, social media, GPS traces, and simulations can help us monitor, predict, and manage visitors to a place or a national park, understand their demographics and visitation experience, or find the best evaluation strategy in a national park in an emergency scenario.

Bing Pan is a professor of commercial recreation and tourism in the Department of Recreation, Park and Tourism Management at Penn State. His research interests include big data analytics in national parks and tourism, destination marketing, smart tourism, and travel benefits.