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Local Holography: A new paradigm for quantum gravity based on symmetry
Add to Calendar 2022-03-18T14:30:00 2022-03-18T15:45:00 UTC Local Holography: A new paradigm for quantum gravity based on symmetry
Start DateFri, Mar 18, 2022
10:30 AM
End DateFri, Mar 18, 2022
11:45 AM
Presented By
Laurent Freidel, Perimeter
Event Series: Fundamental Theory Seminar


In this introductory talk, I will present a new perspective about quantum gravity which is rooted deeply in a renewed understanding of local symmetries in Gravity. This new understanding rooted in a deeper study of the Noether theorem allows a  decomposition of gravitational systems into subsystems. It also provides a detailed description of the nature of entanglement of gravitational subsystems. I will emphasize the central role of the corner symmetry group in capturing all the necessary data needed to glue back seamlessly quantum spacetime regions. I will also mention how these symmetry groups reduce to asymptotic symmetry groups revealed in the 1960s by Bondi-Misner and Sachs when the entangling sphere is moved to infinity. I will explain how these symmetries control asymptotic gravitational dynamics. And, if time permits, how they provide a new picture of the nature of quantum radiation. Overall, this new paradigm allows to connect semi-classical gravitational physics, S-matrix theory, and non-perturbative quantum gravity techniques. The goal of the talk is to give an overall flavor of how these connections appear from an elementary understanding of symmetries.