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Dissecting Galaxies
Add to Calendar 2023-09-19T16:00:00 2023-09-19T17:00:00 UTC Dissecting Galaxies Davey Laboratory 538
Start DateTue, Sep 19, 2023
12:00 PM
End DateTue, Sep 19, 2023
1:00 PM
Presented By
Jane Charlton (Penn State)
Event Series: Astronomy Lunch Talk

Abstract: A pencil beam through a galaxy and its surroundings is a powerful probe of the detailed properties of multiple regions of gas moving at different velocities along the sightline. Quasar absorption lines are equally sensitive to tiny parcels of gas at high redshifts as they are at the present so provide an unbiased view over cosmic time. I will demonstrate how to dissect a galaxy, and show how the gas properties relate to the global properties of a galaxy.

Seminar held in 538 Davey or via Zoom: