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A brief journey through nuclear safeguards and nonproliferation
Add to Calendar 2021-12-14T18:30:00 2021-12-14T19:30:00 UTC A brief journey through nuclear safeguards and nonproliferation
Start DateTue, Dec 14, 2021
1:30 PM
End DateTue, Dec 14, 2021
2:30 PM
Presented By
Kareem Kazkaz, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL)
Event Series: HEPAP/CMA

The international nuclear safeguards and nonproliferation program is predicated on the monitoring and control of special nuclear material, or SNM. Because overt or covert diversion can occur at disparate points in the nuclear material lifecycle, many different systems must be developed to operate simultaneously in parallel to ensure end-to-end security. This oversight relies on technology developed by universities and national labs to make sure SNM stays where it's supposed to stay. Basic science research leads to advances in materials, design, electronics, fabrication, algorithms, modeling, and analysis. These advances in turn contribute to field tests, commercialization, and eventually--perhaps--acceptance and adoption. In this presentation we will provide a brief motivation for why nonproliferation focuses on material control, and describe the nuclear material lifecycle. We will include a handful of examples of how science and technology contribute to the global nuclear nonproliferation program.