Anion Mediated Redox Approaches for Alcohol Oxidation Reactions
Add to Calendar 2023-03-21T18:30:00 2023-03-21T19:30:00 UTC Anion Mediated Redox Approaches for Alcohol Oxidation Reactions 301A Chemistry Building
Start DateTue, Mar 21, 2023
2:30 PM
End DateTue, Mar 21, 2023
3:30 PM
Presented By
Bart M. Bartlett - University of Michigan
Bart Bartlett

Bart M. Bartlett - University of Michigan, Ann Arbor


Combining redox mediators with photo- and/or electro-active materials is a promising platform for synthesizing higher value products from biomass feedstocks. In this talk, I will highlight several discoveries in my lab using nitrate and chloride anions as redox mediators for oxidizing benzyl alcohol, 5-hydroxymethylfurfural, and ethanol on cadmium sulfide photocatalysts, tungsten oxide photoelectrodes, or glassy carbon electrodes. Although the photocatalytic and photo(electro)chemical reaction pathways differ, a common thread is that a potent oxidant (nitrate radical or hypochlorite ion) is generated at the solid/solution interface. These oxidants subsequently react with the alcohol substrate in solution to regenerate nitrate- or chloride anion, and the alcohol oxidation reactions proceed with near quantitative yield based on the number of electrons passed at the solid/solution interface. This approach expands the reaction scope of solar energy conversion for performing organic oxidations.


Event Series: Chemistry Department Colloquium Seminar Series Spring 2023