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Diversity Initiatives

Hispanic Heritage Month

Jo Laura for the 2022 Hispanic Heritage Month.

Jo Laura

Prior Education: Florida Atlantic University (B.S. in chemistry)

Current Program: Chemistry

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What motivates you to do science?

I am pursuing graduate studies in chemistry because I can’t find another field more capable of getting me out of bed in the morning. To be at the forefront of science is to work towards solving the world’s most challenging problems so we may all look forward to a better tomorrow. Tackling those questions in materials chemistry, whether it be designing new biodegradable polymers or creating more efficient thermoelectric materials, excites me to no end.


What does Hispanic Heritage Month mean to you?

Being from South Florida, I had honestly never given much thought to Hispanic Heritage Month since I had always been surrounded by Hispanic and Caribbean pride. I knew there was a drastic difference in the demographics in State College, but I had a bit of a culture shock during the first month of moving here. This year, Hispanic Heritage Month represents a little piece of home I’m able to bring with me and share with my friends who maybe aren’t familiar with my background.