Diversity Initiatives

Hispanic Heritage Month

Mary Ogborn.

Mary Ogborn

Major, degree pursued: Astronomy and Astrophysics, doctor of philosophy

Prospective graduation year: 2027

Current position: graduate research assistant, Eracleous group

Connect: LinkedIn


What motivates you to do/pursue science and/or medicine?

I pursue science because I am curious, and I want to know why the world works as it does. Astronomy is so interesting, and there are so many different subcategories to pursue. Every day, I get joy from studying galaxies and supermassive black holes. In particular, as real-life applications from astronomy do not happen immediately, I realize that my exploration of science is for the sake of science, or for satisfying mankind’s innate curiosity. The idea that we can study and understand a celestial object or process that is millions of light-years away is mind-boggling when given more thought, and every day I am proud to participate in the research to discover the secrets of the universe.


What does Hispanic Heritage Month mean to you?

To me, Hispanic Heritage Month is a great opportunity to highlight those coming from Hispanic or Latinx communities and to see the wide range of values and examples of what it means to be Hispanic or Latinx. It is another way for me to connect with my mother’s culture and my heritage and foster a community here in State College.