Hispanic Heritage Month

Chris A. Muriel Mundo
Prior Education: Ana G. Mendez University, Carolina Campus (B.S. in applied microbiology)
Current Program: Biochemistry, Microbiology, and Molecular Biology (BMMB)
What motivates you to do science?
As a first-generation woman, my educational interests developed through life experiences. Certain experiences created an interest in the area of research, and that motivation along with essential people in my life directed me to study in the area of science, particularly in microbiology. Discipline and tenacity were key aspects throughout my career, and I encourage others to persevere for their interests and perspectives. As a graduate student, I represent and motivate underrepresented students to continue developing tools to become future professionals. Now, I have reached a stage in my educational career where I conduct scientific research with the interest of contributing to the knowledge of science while continuing to exemplify Latina women in science to my community.
What does Hispanic Heritage Month mean to you?
Hispanic Heritage Month has a significant connection to history and its evolution through time. It is a time for people to reflect on the historical, cultural, and social influence of Hispanics and Latinos. Being Hispanic/Latina is one of the things I am most proud of. My culture is represented by love, family, hard work, discipline, and many more positive qualities that make us individuals. Regardless of what aspect of Hispanic culture someone may relate to, all Hispanics share one thing in common, which is pride. Therefore, during this month I invite you to reflect on authenticity and what defines you. I invite you to look at your history and your culture, because the decisions made in the past make our present full of opportunities. It is a month of pride and above all a month in commemoration of the movements that brought change to Hispanics, and today I celebrate you.
Anything else you’d like to share?
I am currently part of the BMMB Graduate Student Association as the climate and diversity ambassador for 2022–2023.