2023 Black in STEM


 Joseph Woodson.

Joseph I. Woodson, M.P.S.


Major and Degree: Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, B.S.

Graduation Year: 2017

Current Position: Account Manager, The Sherwin-Williams Company


Connect: LinkedIn


What motivates you to do/pursue science and/or medicine?

The ability to transform strangeness into synthesis by combining curiosity, humility, and empathy is so singular to science that we all benefit from its pursuit. What motivates each of us who has ever wondered is the inalienable chance to progress.

What does Black History Month mean to you?

Black History Month is our time to thank those who made the path, who taught us to make fire, who found us food and shelter; it’s our time to sing so others find their way, so danger keeps its distance, so the path becomes clearer and shorter still.


Anything else you would like to share?

During my five years at Penn State, I earned two bachelor's degrees and one master's—which is to say I earned a diverse perspective on its faculty, community, and offerings. Their concentrated commitment to inclusion, diversity, and equity, then and now, continues impressing me.