
Jene' Goodwin
Major and Degree Pursued: Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, B.S.
Prospective Graduation Year: 2024
Current Position: Vice President, Minority Association of Pre-medical/Pre-health Students (M.A.P.S.)
What motivates you to do/pursue science and/or medicine?
What does Black History Month mean to you?
As someone who considers themselves a lifelong learner. Black History Month to me is a symbol of awareness and education. Being an African American female in a male-driven field has allowed me to take an intersectionality approach to education: an approach that understands the privilege of being able to pursue secondary education because I know many who were not able to; one that makes me aware of the challenge that comes with being an outlier in STEM, but one that also knows the strength it takes to carve a path for yourself. I think Black History Month is a time to reflect on all the traits and characteristics that make up a person such as myself and see how we, or I, fit into Black history, because I think what makes Black History Month so rich is that it tells a story that is greater than one person, and it shares the stories of many who contribute to the enrichment of Black people as a whole.
Anything else you would like to share.
One thing I would like to share is how the premed journey is not as smooth as Instagram makes it look. I know for me, I kind of felt like a little fish in a big pond when coming to Penn State, because I am from a smaller town, so it was a huge adjustment. Then, on top of it, I came during the COVID-19 pandemic, which really took a toll on my grades with online learning, my mental health with being so far from home, and a little bit of anxiety with being 1 of 300 in my classes. But living in BIOME, one of Penn State’s Living Learning Communities, during my first year and meeting a majority of my friends and joining clubs like M.A.P.S. that fit my interest, I was able to make a new home for myself right here in Pennsylvania—something that I never thought was possible and I am forever grateful for.