2023 Black in STEM


Jeanelle Loiseau.

Jeanelle Loiseau


Major and Degree Pursued: Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, B.S. (Microbiology minor)

Prospective Graduation Year: 2023

Current Position: Undergraduate Researcher, Phillips Lab, Penn State; Chief of Staff, Penn State University Park Undergraduate Association (UPUA)

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What motivates you to do/pursue science and/or medicine?

I have always been determined to help those in need. I knew I wanted my career to be focused on helping underrepresented groups. My goal is to become an epidemiologist and study disease patterns that primarily affect underrepresented communities.

What does Black History Month mean to you?

Acknowledging all the struggles we have faced in the past and embracing what we are doing now and in the future. While we should celebrate being Black every day, this month is OUR month, and we will be loud and proud every day.