2023 Black in STEM


Jaron Wharton-Mohammed.

Jaron Wharton-Mohammed


Major and Degree Pursued: Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, B.S.

Prospective Graduation Year: 2023

Current Position: Undergraduate Research Intern, NASA Pennsylvania Space Grant Consortium (Bai Lab, Penn State)

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What motivates you to do/pursue science and/or medicine?

I have always been interested in the biological and physical sciences ever since I was in high school. I have seen the impact that advancements in the health care field have had on those around me, and I want to have a similar effect. This is what motivates me to do all I can to better others.

What does Black History Month mean to you?

Black History Month is a special time to appreciate and value all the achievements that have been made by African Americans. It allows us to recognize all the prolonged effects they have had in all aspects of American society.