2023 Black in STEM


Daniel Esterkin.

Daniel Esterkin


Major and Degree Pursued: Physics (Nanotechnology/Material Science option), B.S.

Prospective Graduation Year: 2023

Current Position: Undergraduate Researcher, Fichthorn Lab, Penn State Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU); Summer Researcher, Neunzert Lab (University of Washington Bothell REU), Hamlin Lab (University of Florida REU), Bae Lab (University of California San Diego)

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What motivates you to do/pursue science and/or medicine?

My desire to pursue science and physics comes from my curiosity about the world. There is so much that we don't know about our universe, and I find it an exciting challenge to learn everything we can.

What does Black History Month mean to you?

Black History Month to me is a time to recognize everything that Black people have contributed to society. It is also a time to show the next generation everything that they can achieve.