2024 Black in STEM


Carlon Zephirin.

Carlon Zephirin


Major and Degree: Science, B.S. (Biological Sciences and Health Professions option)

Graduation Year: 2012

Current Position: Senior Statistical Data Scientist, Pfizer Inc.


Connect: LinkedIn


What motivates you to do/pursue science and/or medicine?

My motivation for pursuing science is the potential to innovate, heal, and influence lives. I'm driven by the prospect of shaping the future, exploring the unknown, and the desire to make a meaningful impact on humanity through science.

What does Black History Month mean to you?

Black History Month embodies a profound celebration of resilience, excellence, and contributions by Black individuals, honoring their invaluable impact on history. It signifies a dedicated time to recognize their struggles, triumphs, and ongoing journey towards equality and justice. It serves as a reminder to embrace diversity, educate, and strive for a more inclusive society that acknowledges and cherishes the richness of Black heritage.