Dear Chemistry Colleagues,
It’s a few days before Thanksgiving and it struck me that I have a lot to be thankful for. Einstein wrote “A hundred times every day I remind myself that my inner and outer life depend on the labors of others.” This quote speaks to me because what I am most thankful for at this time, during a global pandemic, is the labor and love of others. So here is my gratitude list.
- Eberly College administrators. I’m grateful to the Associate Deans, Deans, VP for Research, Provost, President and many others for supporting our department during COVID. Thank you for working with us to keep our building safe and our research open.
- Faculty. We have a caring and supportive faculty. I’m humbled to see how you have stepped up to mentor your students and postdocs, and each other. I’m especially thankful for the energy you have put into teaching both in person and remotely.
- Staff. The entire department is grateful for our many staff. Thank you for helping the faculty and students do our jobs. A special thanks to Larry and Sarah for your leadership with the staff and to Maria for keeping communication open. I also appreciate the efforts of Rob and John in keeping the stockroom operating.
- The custodial staff. Thank you for being on the front line and for keeping our building clean and safe.
- Students and postdocs. I’m thankful for our students and how they have persevered through this unprecedented time. The GSA has continued to provide town halls, outreach, and leadership through this time. All the faculty are grateful for your commitment and compassion.
- CHEM 110B. I’m thankful for the students in my class, especially those who continued to come to class in person, even the Friday before this break, and who I came to know, even if at a six foot distance and through a mask. I’m thankful to Bob and Philip for providing demos and to Aaron and Xin for supporting my need to teach in person.
- My research group. I have nothing but gratitude for my postdocs, graduate students, and undergraduates. Thank you for the effort you have put into your projects and for caring and mentoring each other.
- My family. I’m grateful for my three girls and for Joanne. You are there for me at every turn.
- My Dad. My Mom was diagnosed with dementia during COVID and Dad has been taking care of her, almost entirely by himself. I’m grateful for both of you, but Dad I’m overcome by the love you have shown for Mom.
- My life. I’m thankful to be present at this moment in history, to have the chance to help lead the department through the pandemic, and to help everyone come out the other end when we can be together once again and enjoy simple pleasures like a cup of coffee, listening to a seminar, or attending a thesis defense.
Saint Augustine said “Since you cannot do good to all, you are to pay special attention to those who, by the accidents of time, or place, or circumstances, are brought into closer connection with you.” In closing, I have one request. Make sure everyone in your circle—your group members, your friends, your family, and your neighbors—is OK. Check if they have someone to be with during this holiday. While we can’t gather in large numbers, we can take care of each other and make sure that everyone has someone keeping them company. I wish you and your families a safe and pleasurable Thanksgiving holiday.
With Warm Wishes,