psu nittany lion shrine

Let’s Strive to Inspire

25 August 2020

Dear Chemistry Colleagues,

As we start the new semester, much remains uncertain. We have 40,000 new students now on campus and we are in the midst of a pandemic. The University has implemented its testing efforts and we are hoping it goes well, but none of us knows for sure. Despite this uncertainty, teaching will start and it will continue, no matter what. Enrollments are high, and our students are looking to each of us—faculty, graduate, and undergraduate students—to inspire them, to lift them up. We all play roles in this endeavor, faculty and students alike. We are one big team and we need to support and care for each other. Upper undergraduate TAs and LAs have first years to teach, graduate student TAs have undergraduates to teach, and faculty teach all of these students. So my message to you is short and sweet: be positive, forgive yourself when you make the mistakes, and lead by inspiring. As Bruce Springsteen said, “All you need to do, is to risk being your true self.” Give of your true self to break the Zoom barrier. Be genuine, be real, and have some fun. We will all make mistakes, but what the students will remember is how you assisted them by being approachable and inspiring.

With Warm Wishes,