Staff enrichment and professional development
The Eberly College of Science Staff Program Support Endowment supports staff enrichment and professional development activities. To apply, interested staff are required to complete an application that outlines their professional goals regarding the requested activity and the estimated cost. The activity does not need to be directly related to the current position held and can include activities such as Penn State Workplace Learning and Performance offerings, conference registrations, etc. that are not reimbursed by the University. College credit courses are not covered by this endowment.
The recipients of this award will be chosen by a Dean-appointed committee. The committee will include associate deans and faculty members. Staff members will not be eligible to serve on the committee due to a possible conflict of interest.
Applications are due by September 1 of each year. Full-time exempt, non-exempt or technical service staff members in good standing with the Eberly College of Science with a minimum of one-year employment in the college prior to the September 1 deadline are eligible. The requested enrichment or professional development activities must be completed between October 1 and August 31 of the following year. There will be no retroactive reimbursements for activities occurring prior to October 1. Recipients may not be chosen for two consecutive years. Preference will be given to applicants who have not received this award in the past.
Notification/Disbursement of Funds
Recipients will be notified in writing by the selection committee by October 1 and will be announced at the annual Eberly College of Science Staff Awards Luncheon and Ceremony held in the fall of each year. Distribution of funds for approved professional development activities will be processed as required for each individual. If the recipient leaves the Eberly College of Science prior to finishing the activity, reimbursement for the activity is forfeited.
For questions regarding this form please contact Danielle Bayletts at
Staff Program Support Endowment online application
If you are interested in donating to the Eberly College of Science Staff Program Support Endowment, please do so by contacting the Eberly College of Science Development Office.