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Eberly College of Science

One college. Countless
ways to advance science.

At the Eberly College of Science, we further scientific knowledge to build a better future for our students and for society. Through collaborative learning, intensive research, and a strong community, we're dedicated to making a meaningful impact.

Latest Research

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Microbes in mouth reflect lifestyle choices

A new method, developed by Penn State researchers, can test the activity of thousands of RNA enzymes--ribozymes--in a single experiment

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Testing thousands of RNA enzymes helps find first ‘twister ribozyme’ in mammals

Astronomers develop new method using Allen Telescope Array to search for radio communication in the TRAPPIST-1 star system.

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Are nearby planets sending radio signals to each other?

In the News: Mauricio Terrones

"'Never Give Up': Penn State Professor Mauricio Terrones’ Illustrious Career In Science"

In the News: Dan Sykes

As beautiful as fall foliage is, those colorful leaves piling up on your car can cause serious damage, from stripping away paint to clogging your car’s air systems.

In the News: Kevin Luhman

Enigmas seen with James Webb Space Telescope may be stellar bullying victims.

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Academic Units
From atomic to cosmic
and everything in between

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Girl with Microscope
Girl with Telescope.
Girl with Telescope.