
The Pennsylvania State University: Ph.D. in Materials Science and Engineering
Towson University: B.S. in Physics
List of Interests:
- Synthesis of 2D materials (semiconductors, metals, insulators)
- Chemical and Physical properties of defects and dopants
- Layer-layer interactions and chemistry of interfaces in 2D hybrid materials
- Photonic and Electronic properties of 2D and 2D/3D heterostructures
Our group focuses on understanding the process-property-performance of 2D and 2D/3D materials. This includes understanding how synthesis parameters impact the optical and electronic properties, and what happens when we purposely introduce very small amounts of impurities into the materials. The group ranges from basic synthesis science to advanced devices, with the aim of impacting next generation technologies in Health, Energy, and Computing.
Honors and Awards:
Towson University Presidential Scholarship (1997-2001)
National Defense Science and Engineering Graduate Fellowship (2002- 2005)
National Research Council Postdoctoral Fellowship (2005-2007)
Alan Berman Research Publication Award (2007)
Rustum and Della Roy Innovation in Materials Research Award (2012)
Corning Faculty Fellow (2013-2016)
Miller Faculty Fellowship (2013-2018)
Oakridge Junior Faculty Enhancement Award (2013)
MatSE Student Choice Faculty of the Year Award (2014)
G. Montgomery & Marion Hall Mitchell Award for Innovative Teaching (2015)
NSF-CAREER Award (2015)
College of Earth and Mineral Sciences Pump-up Award (2019)
Penn State Faculty Scholar Medal (2021)