
Program Curriculum

Academic Planning Resources

There are six options for Biology majors, emphasizing different aspects of the field:

  • General Biology
  • Ecology
  • Genetics and Developmental Biology
  • Neuroscience
  • Plant Biology
  • Vertebrate Physiology


Information for Biology Majors

Entrance to Major Requirements 
Must have a C or Better:

  • BIOL 110
  • CHEM 110
  • MATH 140 or 140B
  • BIOL 220W or 230W or 240W

Note: Core BIOL courses are offered as follows:

FALL terms - BIOL 110, 110H (Honors), and BIOL 220W, 220M (Honors)

SPRING terms - BIOL 230W, 230M (Honors), and BIOL 240W, 240M (Honors)

Check Sheets for Students Starting Summer 2023 or Later (click to download PDF)

Check Sheets for Students Starting Prior to Summer 2023 (click to download PDF)

Suggested Academic Plans

4- Year Suggested Academic Plans for Students Starting Summer 2023 or Later (click to download PDF)


Courses Offered by the Department of Biology


Information for Biology Minors

Requirements for the Minor: 18-20 credits

  1. Prescribed Courses
    • BIOL 110 (4)
  2. Additional Courses (7-8 credits): Select 7-8 credits from the following:
    • BIOL 141 (3), BIOL 161 (3), BIOL 162 (1), BIOL 163 (3), BIOL 164 (1), BIOL 222 (3), BIOL 220W (4), BIOL 230W (4), BIOL 240W (4), BIOL 322 (3)
  3. Supporting Courses and Related Areas (6-9 credits): Select 6-9 credits from 400-level Biology courses
    • (Note: BIOL 497 courses must be approved by petition. Also, a maximum of 1 credit from BIOL 400, BIOL 496, and SC 495 may be petitioned to fulfill this requirement)

*A grade of C or better is required in each course.

Declare your Biology minor in LionPath using "Update Academics" 


Additional Useful Resources

Printable Forms


Schreyer Honors College Students