Robert Minard

Emeritus, Professor of Chemistry
robert minard

Research Interests

Studies in the Chemistry of the Origin of Life



B.S. Chemistry St. Olaf College 1963

Ph.D. Organic Chemistry, University of Wisconsin/Cornell 1968

Post-Doc University of Illinois, Chicago 1969-1973


Recent Publications

Mattingly, S., Minard, R.D., Mueller, K.T. 2002, Structural Elucidation of HCN Polymer via Solid-State NMR, Astrobiology 2, 600.

Minard, R.D. and McGowan, B. 2002, A Test for Polyaminomalononitrile as an Intermediate in HCN Polymerization, Astrobiology 2, 592

Fray N., Bénilan Y., Cottin H., Gazeau M.-C., Minard R.D. and Raulin F., 2003, Experimental study of the degradation of polymers. Application to the origin of extended sources in cometary atmospheres, submitted to Meteoritics and Planetary Sciences

Minard, R.D., Hatcher, P.G., Kahle, K., Stauffer, E., and Amme V., 2000. Structural Investigations of Hydrogen Cyanide Polymer - (III): Comparison of TMAH Thermochemolysis Products from HCN Polymer and N2/CH4 Tholin. Origins of Life and Evolution of the Biosphere, 30, 170-171.

Minard, R.D., Hatcher, P.G., Gourley, C.R., and Matthews, C.N., 1998, Structural Investigations of Hydrogen Cyanide Polymers: New Insights Using TMAH Thermochemolysis/GC-MS, Origins of Life and the Evol. of the Biosphere,28:461-473.


Professional Affiliations

Member, American Chemical Society


Courses Taught

Director, Organic Laboratories, 1988-2003