Kenneth Weiss

Emeritus Evan Pugh Professor of Biology
Kenneth Weiss


Ph.D., University of Michigan, 1972

B.A., Oberlin College, 1963


Postdoctoral Training

University of Michigan, 1972-73



Evan Pugh Professor (Penn State)

Fellow, AAAS


Research Interests

The role of genetics in biological variation and its evolution

Dr. Weiss has worked on the problem of diabetes susceptibility in Amerindians, and the effect of genetic variation on cardiovascular disease. Another interest is in the genetic basis of morphological traits that have been important in vertebrate evolution and constitute the fossil record, like the skeleton and the genetic basis of the complex, segmentally differentiated mammalian dentition and general interest is in biodemography--the determinants of age-patterns of traits related to longevity and fitness. He is active in organizing efforts to sample the human genome worldwide, to answer anthropological and biomedical questions.