Department of Physics

Meet the researchers, mentors, and student advocates who lead the educational experience and drive progress in the Eberly College of Science.

Associate Professor of Physics
320D Osmond Lab, University Park PA 16802
Professor Emeritus of Physics Evan Pugh University Professor Emeritus Atherton Professor
322 Davey Lab
Professor of Physics
314 Davey Lab, University Park PA 16802
Distinguished Professor Emeritus of Physics
104 Davey Lab, Mailbox 123
Distinguished Professor Emeritus of Physics
303K Osmond
Teaching Professor of Physics
123 Osmond
Professor of Physics and of Astronomy and Astrophysics
303H Osmond Lab, University Park PA 16802
Professor of Physics
303D Osmond Lab; Mailbox 244, 104 Davey Lab,
Distinguished Professor of Physics, Materials Science and Engineering, and Chemistry
326 Davey Lab