Daniel Costantino

Teaching Professor of Physics
Daniel Costantino

Mailing Address:

104 Davey Lab, Box #184, University Park, Pa 16802


The College of New Jersy (B.S., Physics, Summa Cum Laude), 2004
The Pennsylvania State University (Ph.D., Physics), 2009

Selected Publications

  1. D. J. Costantino, T. J. Scheidemantel, M. B. Stone, C. Conger, K. Klein, M. Lohr, Z. Modig, and P. Schiffer. "Starting to Move Through a Granular Medium." Phys. Rev. Lett. 101, 108001 (2008).
  2. D. J. Costantino, J. Bartell, K. Scheidler, and P. Schiffer. "Low-velocity granular drag in reduced gravity." Phys. Rev. E 83, 011305 (2011).