Mauricio Terrones

George A. and Margaret M. Downsbrough Head of the Department of Physics, Evan Pugh University Professor, Professor of Chemistry and of Materials Science and Engineering
Mauricio Terrones


Iberian-American University (B.S. Engineering Physics, Summa Cum Laude), 1992
University of Sussex (Ph.D., Chemical Physics), 1997

Honors and Awards

  • Fellow, Royal Society of Chemistry (UK), 2015
  • Jubilee Professorship, Chalmers University of Technology (Sweden), 2015
  • Fellow, American Association for the Advancement of Science, 2012
  • Somiya Award for International Collaboration for work on Carbon Nanostructure Materials, 2009
  • Japan Carbon Award for Innovative Research in Doped Nanotube Synthesis and Applications, 2008
  • Scopus Prize for an outstanding performance in publishing a great number of papers in prestigious international journals and a high number of independent citations as a scientist, 2007
  • Fernando Alba Medal awarded for outstanding contributions in experimental Physics, 2007
  • TWAS Prize in Engineering Science for outstanding scientific contributions in the synthesis and characterization of doped nanotube structures, 2005
  • UNESCO-Javed Huasain Prize for Young Scientists, 2001
  • Alexander von Humboldt Fellowship, 1999

Selected Publications

  1. Z. Lin, B. R. Carvalho, E. Kahn, R. Lv, R. Rao, H. Terrones, M. A. Pimenta, M. Terrones. (2016).“Defect engineering of two-dimensional transition metal dichalcogenides”. 2D Materials 3, 022002.
  2. A. McCreary, A. Berkdemir, J. Wang, M. A. Nguyen, A. Elias, N. Perea-Lopez, K. Fujisawa, B. Kabius, V. Carozo, D. A. Cullen, T. E. Mallouk, J. Zhu, M. Terrones. (2016). “Distinct photoluminescence and Raman spectroscopy signatures for identifying highly crystalline WS2 monolayers produced by different growth methods“. Journal of Materials Research 31, 931.
  3. A. K. Vipin, B. Fugetsu, I. Sakata, H. Tanaka, L. Sun, S. Tanaka, M. Terrones, M. Endo, M. Dresselhaus. (2016). “Three dimensional porous monoliths from multi-walled carbon nanotubes and polyacrylonitrile”. Carbon 101, 377-381.
  4. B. Román-Manso, F. M. Figueiredo, B. Achiaga, R. Barea, D. Pérez-Coll, A. Morelos-Gómez, M. Terrones, M. I. Osendi, M. Belmonte, P. Miranzo. (2016). “Electrically functional 3D-architectured graphene/SiC composites“. Carbon 100, 318-328.
  5. D. D. Deng, Z. Lin, A. L. Elias, N. Perea-Lopez, J. Li, C. Zhou, K. Zhang, S. Feng, H. Terrones, J. S. Mayer, J. A. Robinson, M. Terrones, T. S. Mayer. (2016). “Electric-Field-Assisted Directed Assembly of Transition Metal Dichalcogenide Monolayer Sheets“. ACS Nano in press.
  6. E. Del Corro, A. Botello-Mendez, Y. Gillet, A. L. Elias, H. Terrones, S. Feng, C. Fantini, D. Rhodes, N. Pradhan, L. Balicas, X. Gonze, J. C. Charlier, M. Terrones, M. A. Pimenta. (2016). “Atypical Exciton-Phonon Interactions in WS2 and WSe2 Monolayers Revealed by Resonance Raman Spectroscopy“. Nano Letters 16, 2363-2368.
  7. J. Chacón-Torres, S. Dzsaber, S. Vega-Diaz, J. Akbarzadeh, H. Peterlik, J. Kotakoski, G. Argentero, J. Meyer, T. Pichler, F. Simon, M. Terrones, S. Reich. (2016). “Potassium intercalated multiwalled carbon nanotubes“. Carbon 105, 90-95.
  8. X. Fan, P. Xu, Y. C. Li, D. Zhou, Y. Sun, M. A. T. Nguyen, M. Terrones, T. E. Mallouk. (2016). “Controlled Exfoliation of MoS2 Crystals into Trilayer Nanosheets“. Journal of the American Chemical Society.
  9. J. Ortiz-Medina, H. Kitano, A. Morelos-Gomez, Z. Wang, T. Araki, C.-S. Kang, T. Hayashi, K. Takeuchi, T. Kawaguchi, A. Tanioka, R. Cruz-Silva, M. Terrones, M. Endo. (2016). “Nanostructured carbon-based membranes: nitrogen doping effects on reverse osmosis performance“. NPG Asia Materials 8, e258.
  10. J. Zhang, M. Terrones, C. R. Park, R. Mukherjee, M. Monthioux, N. Koratkar, Y. S. Kim, R. Hurt, E. Frackowiak, T. Enoki, Y. Chen, Y. S. Chen, A. Bianco. (2016). “Carbon science in 2016: Status, challenges and perspectives“. Carbon 98, 708-732.
  11. Y. Q. Wang, B. Fugetsu, I. Sakata, M. Terrones, M. Endo, M. Dresselhaus. (2016). “Morphology-controlled fabrication of a three-dimensional mesoporous poly( vinyl alcohol) monolith through the incorporation of graphene oxide“. Carbon 98, 334-342.
  12. F. Silva, E. Cruz-Silva, M. Terrones, H. Terrones, E. Barros. (2016). “Transport properties through hexagonal boron nitride clusters embedded in graphene nanoribbons“. Nanotechnology 27, 185203.
  13. A. S. Al-Asadi, L. A. Henley, S. Ghosh, A. Quetz, I. Dubenko, N. Pradhan, L. Balicas, N. Perera-Lopez, V. Carozo, Z. Lin, M. Terrones, S. Talapatra, N. Ali. (2016). “Fabrication and characterization of ultraviolet photosensors from ZnO nanowires prepared using chemical bath deposition method“. Journal of Applied Physics 119, 084306.
  14. K. Zhang, S. Feng, J. Wang, A. Azcatl, N. Lu, R. Addou, N. Wang, C. Zhou, J. Lerach, V. Bojan, M. Kim, L. Chen, R. Wallace, M. Terrones, J. Zhu, J. Robinson. (2016). “Correction to Manganese Doping of Monolayer MoS2: The Substrate Is Critical“. Nano Letters 16, 2125-2125.
  15. A. McCreary, R. Ghosh, M. Amani, J. Wang, K. A. Duerloo, A. Sharma, K. Jarvis, E. J. Reed, A. M. Dongare, S. K. Banerjee, M. Terrones, R. R. Namburu, M. Dubey. (2016). “Effects of Uniaxial and Biaxial Strain on Few-Layered Terrace Structures of MoS2 Grown by Vapor Transport“. ACS Nano 10, 3186-3197.
  16. Y. F. Sun, Y. X. Wang, D. Sun, B. R. Carvalho, C. G. Read, C. H. Lee, Z. Lin, K. Fujisawa, J. A. Robinson, V. H. Crespi, M. Terrones, R. E. Schaak. (2016). “Low-Temperature Solution Synthesis of Few-Layer 1T’-MoTe2 Nanostructures Exhibiting Lattice Compression“. Angewandte Chemie-International Edition 55, 2830-2834.
  17. D. C. Miller, M. Terrones, H. Terrones. (2016). “Mechanical properties of hypothetical graphene foams: Giant Schwarzites“. Carbon 96, 1191-1199.
  18. K. Fujisawa, I. Ka, V. Le Borgne, C. S. Kang, K. Kobayashi, H. Muramatsu, T. Hayashi, Y. A. Kim, M. Endo, M. Terrones, M. A. El Khakani. (2016). “Elucidating the local interfacial structure of highly photoresponsive carbon nanotubes/PbS-QDs based nanohybrids grown by pulsed laser deposition“. Carbon 96, 145-152.
  19. S. W. Wang, A. Morelos-Gomez, Z. W. Lei, M. Terrones, K. Takeuchi, W. Sugimoto, M. Endo, K. Kaneko. (2016). “Correlation in structure and properties of highly-porous graphene monoliths studied with a thermal treatment method“. Carbon 96, 174-183.
  20. E. Gracia-Espino, B. Rebollo-Plata, H. Martinez-Gutierrez, E. Munoz-Sandoval, F. Lopez-Urias, M. Endo, H. Terrones, M. Terrones. (2016). “Temperature Dependence of Sensors Based on Silver-Decorated Nitrogen-Doped Multiwalled Carbon Nanotubes“. Journal of Sensors 2016.
  21. E. S. Orth, J. G. L. Ferreira, J. E. S. Fonsaca, S. F. Blaskievicz, S. H. Domingues, A. Dasgupta, M. Terrones, A. J. G. Zarbin. (2016). “pK(a) determination of graphene-like materials: Validating chemical functionalization“. Journal of Colloid and Interface Science 467, 239-244.
  22. D. Ma, D. T. Hess, P. P. Shetty, K. W. Adu, R. C. Bell, M. Terrones. (2016). “Magnetic quenching of photonic activity in Fe3O4-elastomer composite“. Journal of Nanophotonics 10, 016017-016017.
  23. E. Gracia-Espino, F. Lopez-Urias, H. Terrones, M. Terrones. (2016). “Electron transport study on functionalized armchair graphene nanoribbons: DFT calculations“. RSC Advances 6, 21954-21960.
  24. M. Wasala, J. Zhang, S. Ghosh, B. Muchharla, R. Malecek, D. Mazumdar, H. Samassekou, M. Gaither-Ganim, A. Morrison, N.-P. Lopez, V.Carozo, Z. Lin, M. Terrones, S. Tapapatra. (2016). “Effect of underlying boron nitride thickness on photocurrent response in molybdenum disulfide-boron nitride heterostructures“. Journal of Materials Research, 1-7.
  25. W. J. Zhao, A. L. Elias, L. P. Rajukumar, H. I. Kim, D. J. O’Brien, B. K. Zimmerman, E. S. Penev, M. Terrones, B. I. Yakobson, B. Q. Wei, X. L. Lu, J. Suhr. (2016). “Controllable and Predictable Viscoelastic Behavior of 3D Boron-Doped Multiwalled Carbon Nanotube Sponges“. Particle & Particle Systems Characterization 33, 21-26.
  26. A. Morelos-Gómez, M. Fujishige, S. M. Vega-Díaz, I. Ito, T. Fukuyo, R. Cruz-Silva, F. Tristán-López, K. Fujisawa, T. Fujimori, R. Futamura, K. Kaneko, K. Takeuchi, T. Hayahshi, Y. Kim, M. Terrones, M. Endo, M.S. Dresselhaus. (2016). “High electrical conductivity of double-walled carbon nanotube fibers by hydrogen peroxide treatments“. Journal of Materials Chemistry A 4, 74-82.